[32: Not Your Home]

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~To The Story~

Kataoka was already waiting right outside of the clinic for you and Karma like she told her boss she would. As soon as she saw you coming out with Karma, she was overcome with worry. She wasn't able to attend the funeral today due to already having her hands full with another job Karma had given to her days prior.

But once she was notified of what happened, she had to drop everything and rush over here after getting your stuff.

"Ah, (y/n)-san." Kataoka rushed towards you. "Are you okay?"

"She's fine," Karma answers for you. "Where's her stuff?"

You've made it quite clear to Karma that you don't want to be reminded of your near-death experience. Otherwise, you might break down into a fit of tears. That's why Karma immediately tries to change the subject to avoid just that.

Kataoka eventually caught on after getting a good look at your spaced-out expression. Her worry facial lasted for a second longer before she shuts her eyes and straightens herself up, her posture going back to being professional.

"Her stuff is in the trunk." She says. That worry tone she had was no longer evident. "I also brought Itona with me." At the mention of Itona, you glance around to find him. You couldn't spot him until you saw a parked car right in front of the building. He was sitting in the driver's seat. "He'll take her back home and with another car following behind just like you asked."

"Okay, you're done here. Go check on the others." Karma practically shooed her away. Just minutes ago, Karma was holding it together but you were able to tell how apprehensive he was over your injury. Now as soon as Kataoka came by, he was acting cool and level-headed.

Many other members are injured and while he knows that his guys are fine, he just wants Kataoka to see who is injured enough to be excused from certain jobs.

Kataoka sent you one last smile of reassurance before going inside the clinic.

"Ready to go?" Karma asks you, playfully tapping the bottom of your chin. His voice was a lot less authoritative and more gentle now that it was just the two of you.

"No," you admit, sounding bitter and Karma shared that same feeling.

"I'm not exactly thrilled about you going home either," Karma says and sighs. And just when things were going swimmingly with his relationship with you. These days, you were more accepting of his touches and won't pull away as fast as you use to.

"But at least I know you'll be safe there."

'And I'll be able to focus if you're safe.' Karma finishes in his head. "I promise once I take care of this, I'll bring you back."

You placed a hand on your arm with the injured shoulder. Your eyes sadden when you realized something.

"I bet you he won't care if I tell him what happened to me." You mumbled, hurt. You know you mean so little to your dad that he won't even bat an eye if was there to witness the bullet grazing your skin.

Karma's eyes sadden.

Coming from a home with neglected parents, Karma understood the feeling all too well. That feeling of someone not truly caring about him and being ignored most of the time. Although he's already long accepted that his parents don't genuinely love him as his son, he at least had close friends to keep him from being completely alone.

You on the other hand had it worse probably. Granted, Karma doesn't know your entire life story but whenever you bring up snippets of your past, he never hears you bring up anyone of importance. A few friends here and there but no one was close. Probably because you were too scared for anyone to find out about your family heritage.

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