[4: A Rose With Throns]

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~To The Story~

Despite the whole snake tribulation yesterday, you found yourself able to contain your anger and not bringing it up to Karma the next time you saw him (much to his annoyance). As long as the snakes were dealt with, thankfully, you just told yourself to let it go. No matter how many times you were tempted and thought about dumping poisonous snakes in his room.

After that, you'd thought Karma would leave you alone until tomorrow. Unfortunately, he waited for you to be sleeping for him to continue his fun. Late last night, Karma threw a rock in your window by using a slingshot. You were scared to death but the alarming feeling ebbed away as soon as you realized it was only him.

Did you get much sleep after that? Nope! So, to keep your sanity, you decided it is best to go out for a walk.

Your hand grabbed the door handle to pull it open letting the warm air hit your skin. Stepping outside of the mansion, the door closed behind you.

It was nice to get out after spending most of your time inside so you basketed in the warmth.

"Hm?" From the corner of your eyes, you noticed something. Turning your head, you saw two individuals standing near one of the cars that belonged to Karma.

One was someone you knew already. Itona. While the other person was someone else you have never met. He was a young man with dark brown hair that cascades into dreadlocks and a dark complexion. The two of them seem to be inspecting the engine of the car.

Itona noticed you walking out of the manor. "Yo." He greeted apathetically as you stride closer to the two gentlemen. "Where're you off to?"

"I'm just out for a walk." You simply replied.

"I'll come with you," Itona said. "You don't know this area very well so you might get lost."

At first, you thought about saying no but you could use the company. Itona might seem like the least sociable person you have ever meet but he is better than no one. Besides, he is right about the possibility of you getting lost in this unfamiliar territory.

"Thanks" You smiled.

"Hey, when you get back, tell the devil I want to be paid upfront for once." The male, named Yoshida said to Itona.

'The devil?'

"Um," you furrowed your eyebrows, taken aback from the nickname this man called the Yakuza boss. "Do you mean Karma-kun?"

"Yeah, he does." Itona plainly replied.

"You new here?" Yoshida questioned you. "The people who do business with him gave him that nickname. If you met him then you should understand."


Honestly, the nickname suits him. Does Karma even know? Well, the fact that this guy is using it so freely, without a care in the world must mean that Karma is aware but just doesn't either care or just likes it.

"I can tell him, but he might not listen."

"Of course he won't." He sighed at Itona's words that held the truth to them. "Whatever." He waved him off. "I'll probably be done when you get back."

"Sure." Itona waved then turned his heels walking off.

You followed him. "Who was he?" You asked.

"Yoshida," Itona answered as you took a glance at the other male over your shoulders. "He's a mechanic who we call whenever we have car trouble."

"Ah." You hummed in acknowledgment. "Does he call Karma-kun the 'devil' right to his face?"

"Yeah. But he doesn't mind. He likes the nickname."

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