[20: Being A Good Fiancé]

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~To The Story~

From a young age, you knew your family was... a bit different from the other kids.

The first time this really hit you was when you were 5 and were invited to a sleepover. There was a new girl in your school who invited you over to her house for a sleepover. You were given permission by your father to go but one of his attendants will drop you off.

There was something foreign about the home's atmosphere. As a kid, you couldn't understand exactly what it was. The home was a lot small than your own. There weren't many people inside. Just her parents and her brother. At your home, there were always other people around. They work with your dad so you see them a lot. They were mainly men and looked a bit scary to some.

Neverminding the foreign feeling, you had a great time at the sleepover with your new friend.

This new friend of yours didn't last long, however. Through the parents, they must have found out what your dad does which resulted in her telling your new friend to not hang out with you.

"Um," the little girl awkwardly fiddle with the hem of her shirt. "My mommy said I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore."

Your cute innocent face made a puzzled stare.


The little girl didn't look at you and then nervously said. "She says that your family are... bad people." She whispered.

"Bad... people?"

You're confused. What did she mean by bad people?

Who knows if she would have answered your question because a group of girls from the distance called her over. Without saying anything back to you, she merrily skipped over to them.

You were left all huffy and pouted. You were the kind of kid who didn't like being ignored and enjoyed the attention, mainly because whenever you played the piano around someone at home, all eyes were on you.

Stomping your foot, you went to go play with the other kids.

It was because of that, you confronted your dad and told him what happened albeit a little whiny considering your age.

Very blunt, he told you that what he does is scary and considered bad to many people. It was hard to comprehend this and hard to swallow. How can your dad just admit it? Your own father? What bad things does he do?

He told you that you're not allowed to talk about it with anyone outside of this house.

It scared you.

You learned to not bring up your family and learned to keep secrets right away to avoid being a social outcast. Whatever you overhear from your father and or the other gangsters, you dared to never repeat it.

As you grew older you learned more about the Yakuza world. Granted, you didn't know how to run a whole organization or anything like that but you knew a bit more than an average person would regarding the underworld.

The one thing you truly understand was the horrific things they're capable of. You never voiced your opinion, of course.

Never getting involved with the business, you were left alone and did your own thing and lived your own life. The closes thing you ever participated in was simply performing in front of parties since your playing was well-liked among the family clan.

You wanted to leave once you turned 18.

Your father had other plans for you sadly.

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