[11: Blonde Beauty]

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~To The Story~

You immediately felt familiarity dawn on you the second you sat in front of the piano. Despite the location holding a foreign feel to it and being in a hotel filled with guests who are a higher class than you, the large instrument was what made you feel welcomed.

You raised your left-hand a played a few basic notes at the lower side of the piano, wanting to test the waters. Sounds about right.

"This piano looks just like the one I have back at my dad's place." You said, more to yourself than to Itona who was standing off to the side. Asano excused himself a while ago. He seemed awfully busy.

Itona's eyes glazed over to said instrument before looking back at you. "You had a piano this large at your old place?"

"Yes." You said, keeping your fingertips touching the white keys. "Had it for years. Though..." You pursed your lips when a thought occurred to you. "Don't know what my dad is going to do with it now that I'm not living with him anymore." You mumbled.

All Itona did was a hum as a response. "Well, I'll leave you alone now. Come find me when you're done."

"If you're not going back, why don't you stick around and listen to me play?" You offered, stopping him from leaving.

Itona wouldn't mind that, however, there was a slight problem. "I could, but I don't think I can stay here without ordering something."

"Ah." You frowned in disappointment but understood nonetheless. "I see. How about this; for you to have something to look forward to, how about we grab some ramen later?" You smiled.

"Sure," he said in his usual monotone voice, but you can tell he was a bit happy from the way his eyes lit up. "I'll see you later." Leaving with those words, the silver-hair male walked out and made a beeline towards the exit. Now you were by yourself, save for the bartender and a couple of other waiters fixing the place up, of course.

Asano said to start playing once guests start coming in and a few other things regarding your breaks and when you can go home for the night.

As for now, you can warm up and play a couple of pieces of music just to loosen up your fingers and shoulders. There are lots of songs you know by heart and that will fit the atmosphere of this place quite well.

This time, you raised both of your hands and let your fingers played across the keys and made sure your foot press down the correct pedal. Even if it was just a warm-up, you still tried your best to not make any mistakes.

As time went on, guests did start to come in once the restaurant was open, began to play more seriously. You made sure to play as if this was any performance. Any doubt you felt earlier no longer existed. You've been playing for years in front of different kinds of people. So this shouldn't be any different.

The whole room was engulfed by your playing.


Without ever missing a note, your fingers diligently played accordingly as your body swayed with the rhythm of the song. Sometimes you changed up the tones to avoid drowning anyone out. What you mainly played was classical music and threw a few jazz here and there. Sometimes a guest would request you a song and you play it right away. If you didn't know the song, you were going to have to look it up on your tablet.

Your eyes were focused on the music, but a few of the guests seemed to have been drawn to you because of the way you played. The way you played also complemented your looks. Captivating and alluring.

Time has flown by, meaning it was time for a break. Your first break in fact. When you came out of your trance, you then noticed for the first time the number of guests there were in the restaurant. It wasn't a full house or anything, but it seemed like a pretty fair amount.

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Karma Akabane X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें