[13: A Taste Of Fear]

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~To The Story~

Nakamura chewed on her fries as she watched the fight behind the cage. Her blue orbs stared intensely at the two grown men battling it out. She found it hot seeing two good looking guys being violent to one another. Unfortunately, she couldn't openly gush about it since she's here with her Boss and Nagisa who would most likely ignore her if she were to do so. Maybe if you were here, then she can exchange some girl talk.

"We should have brought (y/n)-chan along," she suggested.

"She doesn't seem to be the type to enjoy these things," Nagisa says with a sheepish smile.

"Hey if she's going to marry this Devil," her thumb jerked over to Karma, who was sitting in between them, "she might as well get used to his hobbies."

"Next time I'll ask her if she wants to come but I wouldn't be surprised if she turns me down," said Karma. "Besides, it's not like we're here to have fun."

Sure, watching two men beating each other senselessly comes across as entertaining for someone as sadistic as him, but he is the owner of this illegal underground fighting ring. He has to pop by every now and then to see how his fighters are doing and to make sure everything is running smoothly. He makes a lot of money from all the bets people place here after all.

"Maybe if you offer to buy her dinner afterwards." Nakamura threw in, hinting to him that he should at least spoil you.

Nakamura understands why there is even an arranged marriage in the first place, but that didn't mean she wouldn't like it if a romance sparked between the two of you. It's been so long since there was any sort of romance involved in the Akabane household.

The closes she got was the relationship between Akari and Nagisa. It's confirmed that the young actress is in love with Nagisa, thanks to Karma who was being nosey and dragged it out of her. But nothing became of it since both of their jobs keep them busy.

"If I want to ask her out, I'll do it on my own accord, not because you told me," Karma said, keeping his eyes straight forward. She wasn't sure if he was trying to focus on the fight and or he's just pretending to create this illusion that he just isn't interested in talking about you.

She shrugs. "I was only throwing in a suggestion. If you don't take her out every now and then, she might find you to be a terrible husband. I smell a failed marriage in the future~"

Nakamura's words went to one ear then out the other ear. Karma knows that the two of you are getting along just fine and are on good terms. There is no need to treat you as his lover or anything. Too much pressure. You and Karma only agreed to get married because it benefitted the two of you.

"Didn't peg you to be an expert on relationships, Nakamura," Karma commented dryly. "Are you that bored with your own love life that you have to meddle into mine?"

"You have a love life?!" Nakamura laughed at him knowing that the closes relationship he's ever gotten was his previous fiancées. Though, she has heard from Akari that Karma had a crush on a girl during his high school days but nothing became of it.

"Weren't you seeing a guy, Nakamura-san?" Nagisa asked.

"Nah," her face grimaced. "He was boring," she states rather bluntly. They expected Nakamura to not give out a full story. She talks about seeing a guy then goes on to complain about how uninteresting they are in the same sentence. "Whatever, I'm not looking for anyone. Though, it would bother you if I introduce (y/n)-chan to a few guys I know?"

At this, Karma looked over to her and gave the blonde a threatening glare while the crowd grew louder with their cheers when one of the fighters had the upper hand. The blonde merely smiled innocently and batted her eyelashes at him.

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