[24: Hot And Cold Sniper]

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~To The Story~

Karma let out a loud yawned. "I wanna go take a nap somewhere." He lazily scratched the back of his head. The young crime boss didn't need to look at your face to see the unamused expression you're making after his comment.

"Karma," you began, sighing irritably. "We literally just got here."

You probably wouldn't be as upset if the two of you didn't arrive forty minutes late. The reason for the tardiness is because he took a nap and now he can tell you're not in the mood to deal with any more of his antics.

"And don't go ditchin' on me now." You said, frowning.

"Who says I was? I was gonna ask if you wanted to join me." With an innocent smile, Karma moved an arm around your shoulder, pressing you up against him. "Just a nap by the way so don't be thinking about anything dirty."

Your first reaction was to blush but you quickly glared at him in the process.

"Please don't make me step on you again." You warned him.

Jokes on you, he would actually enjoy that.

"My bad, my bad." Karma reeled his arm back, restraining from provoking you anymore this early into the party. He's gotta save some for later.

"So," you glanced at the busy lounge where the rest of the party guests are, chatting away with each other.

The venue was the Takebayashi household itself. A large and modern home that seemed a bit more isolated from the other houses.

"Besides sleep, what do you want to do first?" You asked. It's too early for you to be running off on your own. It wouldn't be fair for Karma. Especially since he did not want to come here, to begin with. "Normally in these kinds of parties, I just grab a drink."

"I can go for a drink." Karma agrees and boldly took your hand as if it's a normal thing to do. You blushed. You missed the way Karma smirked in victory at your reaction when he held your hand as he tugged you along through the crowd.

Well, he had to hold your hand. It was to silently let everyone here know that you're his date.

Karma was able to take you where the drinks were without running into anyone who would talk to him. The only enjoyment he was going to get out of this party is by spending it with you. He can have fun talking to you and not discuss anything regarding work.

When he was younger, parties were a bit more fun because he was able to get away with the trouble he's caused. He would purposely ruin his hair that his mother fixed up, pull pranks on the other party guests. It got so bad to the point where his parent's stopped taking him to these parties.

In the midst of drinking, Karma decides to tell you that little story.

"God, you were such a nightmare to deal with," you scoffed, holding a glass of wine.

Karma hummed in agreement, smiling. "Yeah, well, at least my folks stopped taking me to parties with them after that. It was my goal from the start. The last straw was when I almost set the whole kitchen on fire as a prank. No one got hurt though."

You can vividly picture a very young Karma trying to set something on fire and that image terrified you.

"Pranks are normally harmless," you criticized.

"I'm not normal... nor harmless," was Karma's only defence. His facial expression told you that he had no remorse for what he did in the past.

You were on the verge of preaching how much hurt he could have gotten or anyone else. In the end, you found it pointless when you remembered who you were talking to.

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