[19: Tough Love]

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~To The Story~

You had trouble sleeping that night.

When you were dropped off at Karma's place, Nakamura and Kataoka were the ones to meet you. You don't remember much other than their worried looks and them asking you if you were okay, apparently aware of the situation. Shaken up, you said nothing and let them take you to your room.

You just stayed curled up under your blanket and let the hours tick away.

You still don't know if Karma has returned or not. You hope he's doing okay. How did he react when he found out you were missing?

You shut your eyes and kept Karma's coat draped over you. It was currently the only thing that provided you with comfort.

If he's not back yet, then why did he stay behind? For what?

The scent of gasoline flashed through your head and you gasped in fear as a jolt of pain went through you.


He wouldn't, would he?

Well, why would he need to stay otherwise? Why would he need a dozen more mafia men with him? He killed them. He killed him to cover up your mistake.

Your mistake.

This is all on you.

"No." You whispered, hugging yourself.

Denial and scared, you push that thought in the furthest of your mind. Maybe that wasn't gasoline you smelled back there and maybe... maybe Karma just stay behind to... to...

You struggled to come up with a logical answer so the only thing you can do is not think about it. Wanting to ignore reality. No one is dead and he will come back without spilling any blood.

Surrounding yourself on a lie, you shut your eyes, letting sleep take over.

Morning eventually came through and you would have slept through it for not a certain blonde entering your room.

"Good morning~"

You heard a familiar energetic voice follow by something being place and a soft clatter. fluttering your eyes open and getting out of the covers by sitting up you saw Nakamura hovering near your bed frame.

"Nakamura-san?" You asked groggily, still tired from the lack of sleep. Sliding your eyes off to the side, you noticed that she placed a tray on your bedside table. Resting on the tray was your breakfast.

"Oh, you're talking." Her blue eyes lit up with a bit of hope. "That's a good sign." She smiled.

You peered over to the window and saw that it was morning. The events of last came crawling into your brain like an unwanted guest. Awful memory or not, that didn't stop you from worrying over Karma.

"Where is Karma?" You asked her warily, hoping he's okay.

"In his office." She answered which did calm you down. Did he return somewhere during the night?

"Want me to go get him?"

Looking down shamefully, you shook your head.

You weren't sure if you can face Karma at the moment. He had to save your ass simply because you've gone and done something you weren't supposed to do.

"Is he mad?" You softly asked, scared for a response.

"At you? Probably." You winced and gripped onto your bedsheets. "I don't know much of what happened or what you did since it isn't my place to ask. I'm just glad you're okay. He feels the same way."

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