[26: The Loneliest Girl]

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Lime scene near the end of this chapter.

~To The Story~

You were thirteen when you got your first boyfriend.

"I-I like you!" The boy blurted out, the colour pink was clouding his cheeks. He had his eyes shut the whole time.

His name was Kento. He was one of the shyest boys in your class. But also one of the kindest. His hair was inky black, long enough to cover his forehead and reached the nape of his neck. His black hair framed his cute round face. The bridge of his nose had somewhat visible freckles scattered around.

He started crushing on you when he saw you playing your piano skills at the talent show last month. He caught a glimpse of you before you went on stage while helping out in the back. You showed no signs of stage fright. And he was amazed at how you played without missing a beat with so much confidence radiating off of you.

But before that, he never had a reason to talk to you.

And you never had a reason to talk to him. nevertheless, your heart was still doing flips from his confession. You've never been confessed before. Boys have gotten out of their way to spend time with you, inviting to their birthday parties and even asking you to be their partners for whatever.

None, however, have ever straight up told you that they like you. So when Kento told you that he liked you, it meant everything to you. You were so happy that you could not form any words.

Kento slowly opened his eyes to take a peek. His grey orbs saw how were still frozen and blushing. He took it as a bad sign. Thinking he wouldn't be able to handle rejection, he ran off.

"Sorry! ForgetIsaidanything!"

"Ah wait, Kento!" You ran after him. It wasn't hard to catch up to him because he tripped and fell.

And that was the start of your first relationship. A relationship and friendship that was doomed from the start. Just like your others.

You accepted his confession much to his astonishment.

After that, you've spent most of your time with Kento at school. He had very few friends and wasn't used to being in a large crowd like you. So he was a bit nervous when you let him into your group of friends. They were happy and thought the two of you were a cute couple.

Some others weren't, however.

"Stop following her like she's some lost puppy! There is no way you're dating her!" A bully towers over Kento.

The smaller boy gulped. Even before his relationship became known to the entire grade, this kid would always pick on Kento. It got worse lately. This jerk had a crush on you and was pissed whenever Kento was around you.

"W-we, I- but we are." Kento tried to defend. He was backed into a corner and the bully was taller than him which made Kento feel like a mouse in comparison.

"Ugh, stop stuttering will y- OW!"

Kento flinched when he saw the bully get hit on the head. Both boys looked over. One was ready to punch whoever did that while the other looked over was in disbelief when he saw that it was you.

"Leave my boyfriend alone." You glared, holding a broom.

The bully was still annoyed at the throbbing pain on his head but the second he saw you, his irritation diminished a tad.

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