"Oh, the master and servant routine again." He muttered, before smiling exasperatedly. "I can pretend to be Cassie, I can make everyone think I'm your obedient slave. I'll keep my eyes downcast and my thoughts to myself, no matter what sly comments they make about us. But if they try to hurt you, don't expect me to stay on the sidelines."

"I'll be fine Love." I assured him. "Thanos and I are friends of a sort. He'd be more inclined to try it on than try to hurt me."

"Oh, like that is it? Do I need to worry?" He said teasingly.

"No! You're the man for me." I assured him. "Thanos is a bit backwards, but we've dealt with each other admirably in the past, and I actually like him, the big Lug."

"So I guess he's stuck in the past then?" Scott asked.

'Kind of, he rules over the Vampires in his city with an iron hand. Las Vegas does have a good reputation for keeping the law. It's why there are so many Vampires here. They know if someone steps a toe out of line, it will get back to Thanos and he'll deal with things accordingly."

Scott looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Aren't you the Master of L.A.? Do you rule there like he does here?" Scott asked. "I've known you for a while now and you've never told me about dealing with Vampires in L.A. at all?"

"I'm not like him." I said. "There aren't too many Vampires in L.A. Most decide living by my rules is a bit too... limiting. I expect everyone in L.A. to adhere to human laws and only bring me the things that they can't work out themselves. That's why I deal with a lot of divorce cases and relationship messes." I assured him.

"But what about those who break the law?" Scott asked.

"Purgatory is there for a reason. You do things my way or you wind up in the most boring cage on earth." I said. "I prefer to help people with their problems and work things out on a favour based system. Bartering is a lot more fun than straight cash transactions, besides I've found my kind more interested in sticking around than the only other alternative I offer."

"Which is?" Scott asked.

"A visit to the rooftop." I said with a very serious face.

"Oh." Scott said, then nodded. "I guess you wouldn't be Master of the City if you didn't enforce the rules."

I patted his face and said, "One or two examples and most learned its healthier doing what I say than the alternative."

I carefully scrutinised Scott's face, making sure his opinion of me hadn't changed. I must have looked slightly worried because he smiled at me and said, "I know you're a Vampire Zass, I understand that you have certain rules you live by now and that you could be a completely different person than who you actually are. You've lived a dozen lifetimes Mitchell. After reading you and seeing some of the things you've endured, I'm so glad you found Zass inside you and chose to become the person you are now. I've seen the dark side you rarely let out, I know the name you give him and I know his face, and it's not the one I see now."

"Scotty, I..."

"I know you wouldn't go there when you're with me Zass. I hope you'll never need to again. But I want you to know one thing. If at any time you feel there is no other choice, that you'll die if you don't let him out." It was his turn to clasp my face. "I want you to do it Zass. If it's a choice between letting the monster out and dying, let him out Zass. I'd rather pick up the pieces and help you find your way back to me than be here without you."

I dragged Scott into a fierce embrace and kissed him with everything I had. How did I get so lucky? How did I find the man who would completely understand me and accept me no matter what? I thought back to all the lives I'd lived, the names I'd given myself, the dead eyes that sometimes stared back at me in nightmares and the things I regretted. They'd all led me to this time, the here and now with Scott. And then my heart lifted as I understood that it wasn't regret I felt for the past, but rather acceptance of everything that had led me here to him. He was my future and if he'd have me, my forever.

His lips met mine tenderly, and he kissed away my tears.

"If we didn't have to get to this meeting Scott, I'd show you exactly how much I appreciate that you're mine."

"I know." He replied with a small smile. "But it's time to get our serious faces on Zass. Let's go see your 'sort of' friend and see if he has any insight into where Lynx is and what exactly her plans are. And don't worry, I'll play along. I am Cassie, your dutiful pet who does everything you ask and lives for your command."

As he fluttered his lashes at me with a picture of doe eyed subservience on his face, I wanted two things. The first was to drag him straight back into the bedroom and wipe that look off his face and replace it with that needy expression that begged me to take him over the edge of the abyss. The second was to get all this crap over and done with so I could drag him back to L.A.

We made it to the "Edge of Night' Bar, there were humans on the door as Security. I was surprised, but then realised it was probably a good thing considering the 24 hour nature of the industry. I went up to the closest guy and told him we were there to see Thanos.

"He expecting you?" The guy asked.

"Yes, my name's Zass."

He touched the two way head piece and got the OK to let us in.

"Follow Jake, he'll take you up." He said and gestured through the open door for us to follow the other Bouncer.

We followed Jake through the front of house area, past a huge bar and some eager patrons watching two go-go dancers in cages. They ignored us completely, more interested in the gyrating women than the intruders who slid silently past them heading for the stairs.

We ascended two short staircases until we reached the private lounge. This was one of Thanos's main money earners and he often used the venue as an office. He actually had one here but preferred the ambiance of the lounge where he could entertain as well as look after business. Most Vampires are into acquiring wealth, I could see a Las Vegas bar doing very well in that department.

"Zass! My friend! What are you doing here?" Thanos said as he approached.

"Just looking for a little information and maybe some assistance Tank." I sad as he got close enough to hug. We did a double cheek kiss and Thanos pulled me closer to his ear to whisper, "Who's the hunk?"

I giggled and said, "Thanos, Scott. Scott, Thanos."

"Tank please! He said and pulled Scott in for the double cheek kiss most European's seemed to adore and sniffed deeply at his hair.

"Oh, he's divine Zass, sharesies?"

"Mitts off Tank, Scott's my Human Companion."

"No need to ask for permission then, Scott? So what about it Gorgeous? Wanna have some fun?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Very funny Tank."

"Tank?" Scott asked.

Thanos indicated his large and very solid frame. I was a wrestler back in Greece before I was turned. The name just kind of stuck a few decades ago."

Scott nodded as he could understand why it would. At Tank's almost frown, Scott giggled nervously and shot him a more admiring look. Thanos preened and gave him a flirty look and asked us to sit down.

"So what brings you to my City Zass?" He smiled but under it I could see concern. "Want to take over Vegas?"

"Hell no!" I assured him. "We're here to rescue someone. The thing is, her captor's Lynx. And Mirth's kind of in indentured servitude at the moment." I told him.

"Shit Zass. Why couldn't it have been anyone else but that woman?" He said explosively.

"Why? What is it?" I asked.

"She's shacked up with Sebastian at The Den."

Well shit...

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