"Can you come help me with something, it has to do with weapons." He asked her, he could hear her breathing change as she got excited.

"Where are you, I'll bring Crescent Rose and come over right away." Ruby said to him, talking fast.

"Just wait one moment.." Vic said as he put up his fist in the air, and then shot flames from it making a beacon of flames, "Follow the flames." he told her.

"What?" She asked him, Vic heard silence for a moment, then the call ended.

"3.. 2... 1..." Vic said as he counted down and before he could say 0, Ruby appeared in a red blur and tackled him, he stopped the flames coming from his fist and hugged her. "Hey Ruby." He said to her.

"Hi! So what did you need again? It's about weapons right?" Ruby said to Vic as she let go of him, she saw the newly made dust crystals and went over to look, "What are these?" she asked.

"I made them, I wouldn't touch them yet." Vic said as Ruby stopped just before she was about to pick one up, she stood back up.

"Right, but you made them, cool! What did you need me for though?" Ruby asked.

"Can I see Crescent Rose for a second?" Vic asked, Ruby looked hesitant, "Don't worry i wont do anything, i just want to hold it for a moment." He told her.

Ruby handed Vic Crescent Rose, he looked at it, switching it to its Scythe Mode and Gun Mode, looking over it., he handed it back to Ruby, "Thank you." he told her.

"What did you need to see Crescent Rose for?" She asked him.

Vic smiled as he brought a fist to his palm, 'Arctic Dragon's Ice Make: Crescent Rose!' Vic thought to himself, a light shined causing Ruby to close her eyes.

When Ruby reopened them she saw an ice form of Crescent Rose which was being held by Vic, "What?! How? When?" She asked confused, never using Vic using molding type magic before.

Vic smirked as he looked at it, it was a copy of it, Vic knew Gray could do it and his molding had gotten better, it was a perfect copy of it. "I just copied it using my magic." Vic said to her.

"So cool! I didn't know you could do that? Can you copy anything?" Ruby asked him.

"Well, not really sure, if I can look at it long enough and know what it does then most likely." Vic told her, he wasn't sure of himself on his molding limits with copying something, especially if it was a high-powered gun scythe. "I need to see if this even works." Vic said as he got an idea, "here try it out Ruby, it's durable so go all out, try it out and see if it feels the same as yours." he said handing it to her.

Ruby had stars in her eyes as she held the ice version of her weapon. It was a bit cold, but it felt the same as her normal weapon, she switched modes to its Scythe form and spun it around and slashed it a bit. She messed with it like how she normally would with hers and then walked backed over to Vic.

"Does it have any ammo?" She asked him, Vic paused for a moment, before bringing up his hand and ice admitted from it, he copied an ammo pack of hers quickly and gave it to her.

She loaded it switching to its gun mode and shot a few times.

Vic walked over, "How does it feel?" he asked her.

"It feels like the real thing! It's amazing! Could you do this with the other weapons as well?" She asked him as she handed him the ice copy.

"Maybe if I could study there's, but at the moment, nope." Vic said as he took out the ice ammo, "Now to test mine.." Vic said as he walked over and picked up a Hellfire Dragon Dust Crystal, he made an extra one so he could test it.

"So what now?" Ruby asked as she stood behind him, watching him.

"Now I need to see how this fires.." Vic said as he held up the dark orange dust crystal, he loaded it into the weapon, it was one shot only. "I would stay back," he told her.

Ruby nodded as she vanished and reappeared behind a tree that was nearby, hiding behind it as she peaked her head out.

"Alright here goes nothing!" Vic said as he switched the weapon into its Gun mode and aimed it at a tree in front of him.

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