The Fairy and The Spriggan

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'Long ago, before the kingdoms were built, there was an island, far away from any land. on this island, there was a giant tree, bigger than any other. Fairies lived on this island, they got their sources of power from the tree.

They lived happily on the island, until people came to this island in hope of attaining the power for themselves, the fairies and people fought, one fairy made herself known during this time.

She was known for her blond hair, and tactics in battle, and 4 spells she would use in battle. Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter, and Fairy Sphere. The 4th one, was just called Law, she only used it once, and that was to save her friends, she then made the other 3 fairy spells.

Due to this, the fairies won the battle against the invaders that came to their island.

Unknown to them, a powerful figure was lurking, watching. one that balanced life and death. it cursed the blond fairy, making everything she cared for die, and making her immortal.

The other fairies found out about this, but were too late, the blond fairy watched as everyone she cared for died. She soon became the lone survivor of the fairy island.

She tried to break her curse in many different ways, but it couldn't be broken. She tried magic, physical, none would work to kill her or break the curse.

She tried, and tried for a very long time. Somehow the tree, it stayed, full of life, she never understood it.

She kept trying for several hundreds of years. Then she felt a dark presence similar to her curse. She saw a male fairy with black wings, hair, and eyes. A Spriggan, he looked around, and saw her.

She hid right away, eventually she came out after finding him closer than he was before.

She wanted to run, but then she noticed he didn't die in her presence.

They began talking, they were both cursed by the same being. They lived happily together, cursed fairies, they understood why the god cursed them now.

They lived on that island, living happily together, and that's where they remained to this day.'


Vic closed his eyes as he shut the picture book. He knew who those two were, Mavis, and Zeref. The story told their tale in a sense, but some of the facts were obviously wrong. It made sense for a picture book though that was going to be told to kids.

He wiped the tears from his eyes, he did cry a bit, how could he not? He stared up at the cave ceiling, how did this get here? Was it true, were Zeref and Mavis really here? He needed answers, but he had none!

Did the god that sent him here do this? if so why? for him? but he didn't deserve it at all. He wished it gave him some form of location of the island, it would be useful. 'Far away from any land' could mean anywhere in the middle of the ocean.

All fairy tales had to come from some truth, he knew this. He just needed to find the truth somewhere, he just needed to find out where. he decided to read the book again.

Unknown to Vic, as he reread through the book, his fairy tail mark on his shoulder glowed a bit, before it stopped.


Vic kept training the remaining, he also kept looking for clues about Tenrou. he found none though while training in Solitas, or known as Atlas.

He needed to keep moving, so he traveled by Azure Dragon Slayer magic, making a giant water serpent to carry him across the ocean to Anima, or known as Mistral.

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