The swordsman twists his unsheathed sword, its blade glinting as its reflects the moonlight. "I am aware, but I want to." He whispers the last words, his pride hindering him from admitting his desire. The tips of his ears flushed. Thankfully it's night, making it unnoticeable from the distance. One more he is thankful for was that the woman before him was distracted and didn't hear the later half of what he's spoken.

Megumi tied her mask on her waist, clicking her tongue when her finger was smeared with blood. She removes her stained fingerless gloves and put them in the pocket of her pants. Despite used to killing, the scent of blood and its sticky texture sickens her. It makes her stomach churn. The fact that she's currently covered with it disgusts her. She badly wants to get rid of the stench and if this brute won't let her pass, she might as well yeet herself to the sea. But she's afraid the splash would awaken the others.

She decided to test her luck.

Taking slow steps forward, she tries to see the swordsman's reaction. He never moved, his brown eyes only following her movements. The man waited 'til she's at his side and pressed the blade on her neck, informing her his intention of not allowing her to enter.

Megumi ceased. After a few seconds of silence, she sighs.

"Have I... done something horrible to you, Zoro-san?" She silently asks. "Because as far as I know, I didn't hurt you or anyone you hold dear." She raises her head and turns to look at him. "Have I done anything for you to loathe me? For me to receive such hatred?"

"Your actions toward the crew infuriates me." Zoro answers, jaw clenched.

"I have been civil towards everyone, treating you with respect. Not once have I done any harm the crew, you know that."

Zoro removes the swords from her neck, lowering it to his side. "I am aware. However, your disappearance worried everyone. Luffy may have allowed it but I do not agree with you constantly leaving."

"Your opinion doesn't matter as long as the captain gave me permission." She pauses, realizing something. "Luffy-kun hasn't told you yet, has he?"

His confusion made her smirk.

"Wow. As the First Mate I expected you were the first to know about our deal." She spoke while shaking her head, her eyes haughty. "I'm surprised he hasn't told you yet." She tilts her head and crosses her arms, her stance displaying her cockiness. "He sure trusts you a lot."

Zoro growls, irritated by her words. Luffy may be too trusting as he trusts even a stranger, however, he knows the rubberman trusts him with his life.

He glares at her harshly, baring his teeth. How dare she try to make him doubt his captain. Cunning woman! He will not fall for her tricks.

"Don't talk to me about trust when it's clearly you don't have one for us." He bites back. He noticed her flinch and her brows furrowed.

"I am loyal to the Straw Hats Pirate crew!" She argues. Turning her body to fully face him.

He could feel the waves of anger from her, but he is just as angry.

"Trust and loyalty may be correlated but it's not the same!"

"It is the same thing!"

"Listen, dumb woman. Loyalty is devotion whereas trust is reliance." He raises his index finger and points her. "Your refusal in relying on us proves your lack of trust."

Megumi remained silent, processing his words. She knew what he meant, however, she was unaware she's doing that. She's used to being independent, only having herself to rely on in order to survive in Konoha. And in this world, she has been helping people most of the time. She's accustomed to being the pillar of support that she has forgotten how to lean on others. But that doesn't mean she doesn't trust them. It may not be by much, but she does.

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