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Camille POV

My night with Larry couldn't have went any better! He makes my heart melt, and not to mention the butterflies goin crazy in my stomach. Ugh! He makes me so nervous. But I like it. I was expecting him to eventually ask me why I ran off from him that night at the club. But I told him it was something I couldn't explain (even though I could), so he just accepted that response and we went on with the night. He dropped me off after dinner and ended it with a kiss on the forehead. He actually went for the lips but I stopped him. I don't think I was quite ready.

Back at Larry and Laurent's place they were playing Fifa on PS4 and Lau was winning. They usually were neck in neck on the last round of the game, but for some reason the score was high on Lau's side while Larry was losing.

Lau: Oh! Lets go boy boy! I got you!

L: Chill Lau its just a game.

Lau: (glance at Larry) Just a game! Yea right bro, you lose like fuck right now why you no cuss me out?

L: I just no care.

Lau: (confused)...what?

Lau just ignored is brother for a second and continued playing. He took his player to the opposite goal where Larry failed to block the shot and let Lau's player win the game. Lau only celebrated with a small 'whoo' and stood up with his fist in the air. Larry just tossed the controller and bounced off to his phone on the counter. He smiled when he unlocked it, which brought attention to Lau. He walked over to see what his brother was so smiley about.

Lau: Hey who you talkin too?

L: ...huh?

Lau: You hear me bro (tries to snatch phone)

L: Non stop! I talkin to somebody man.

Larry walked away to his room for privacy. That was the good thing about them having an apartment, since they rented one in ATL they had their own rooms and could get away from each other if they need to. Lau just shook his head and made his way to the kitchen for a snack.


Later that evening Fantacee was pulling up in the parking lot of the club. Tonight she was pretty excited because Larry told her that he was coming to see her again because he wanted to finish that dance she cut short the other night. So she had a very special outfit to wear for him. As she walked in the door she texted him and said she was there and he responded with ' Im on the way'  Fantacee made her way to one of the private dressing rooms and saw it was unoccupied which was perfect. She quickly went in and closed the door.

Lau: You sure you wanna be there by youself bro? I can come with you.

L: Non Laurent im ok, really. I no need you tonight...besides tonight is all about me.

Lau: (rolls eyes) All about you how?

L: Don't worry I tell you when I get back tonight. I see you later oki Nighty-Night!

Lau: Whatever good night.

Fantacee was just finishing getting dressed and was ready to head out. Before she did she made sure to put her earrings on and fluff her hair. She had on an all black lingere set. A black lace bra and thong, with sheer black cover up that buttoned only at the under wire of the bra. Her heels were all black red bottoms. After reapplying her lipstick she heard some knocks on the door.

Larry had just arrived and was quick to wave other girls off as he came in. He immediately went to the back of the club where they had private rooms. Room number 5 was reserved for him and Fantacee. Once he got there he made himself comfortable on the red velvet couch and poured himself a glass of champagne.

Fantacee was a little hesitant to open the door at first. "Who is it?" she called out. "Fantacee I think Dymond outside. She said can you help her with her stuff." Fantacee smiled to herself as she felt relief. 'Finally she back' she thought. Fantacee opened the door and took two steps out, but as soon as she did a fist went across her face. She crashed to the floor as laughter filled the hall. A pair of pink heels stepped on each side of her. "Dymond aint here you dumb bitch. Get the fuck up!" One of the pink heels kicked Fantacee in her gut, making her spit out blood. She turned over on her back to see it was none other than Trix. She kneeled down to her face.

T: Didn't I tell you I was gon play witchu?...Yo go run her shit.

F: No!

Trix slapped Fantacee in the face and told her to get back down. She had her goonettes go in the dressing room and go through her bags. They threw her stuff all over the room. Fantacee caught Trix off guard and kicked her in the chest with her heel making her fall back. Fantacee got to her feet wobbling a bit. She went in and jumped on one of the girls backs and pulled her hair in attempt to make her stop going through her back. The other girl however pulled Fantacee by her hair and slammed her on the ground and began to pound on her like it was nothing.

Almost 45 minutes had gone by and Larry was still sitting in the private room waiting for Fantacee to come in. He was getting pretty restless. He sent her like 8 text messages trying to find out where she was. He really wanted to see her but at this point he was getting impatient.

After a few hits in the girl got off of Fantacee, leaving her with bloody nose and busted lip. Her make-up was a mess and pieces of her hair was all over the place. All she could do was lay there in agony. She curled herself up in a ball to avoid anymore hits. Trix stood up over her smiling with satisfaction. "I got one more thing for you bitch."

After an hour and 15 minutes Larry gave up waiting. He left the private room and shot Fantacee one last text message saying that he waited on her all night and was leaving. On the way out he bumped into Luscious, the club owner.

LU: Whoa man watch whatcu- Oh man hey..w-..Larry right? From Les Twins? Ahhh man my bad aye you enjoying the club man?

L: Uh yea its cool but uh I was waiting on a girl and she no show up.

LU: Oh which one, I can uh fetch her for you myself. Whats the name?

L: Uh..Fantacee? I think.

LU: Oh yea that's baby girl! Haha she can make some money how boutchu sit here for a second and I wil-

L: Nah its oki im kinda tired of waitin but when you see her, tell her to call me.

Larry walked away leaving Luscious confused. He was wonderin why Fantacee out of all the dancers would leave someone waitin. It wasn't like her. He made his way to the girl's dressing room. Once he got close he was bumrushed by Trix and her little crew. He stopped them for questions.

LU: Aye hold up! Yall seen Fantacee?

T: Oh uh..she uh. She layin down.

LU: Layin down?

T: Yea, you should go get her.

Trix and her crew walked off laughing and giggling because they knew what they did to her, but of course they weren't gonna tell Luscious. He just shook his head and turned the corner. "Fantacee?" he called out to her. He saw that one of the private dressing rooms was open so he walked in. He was taken back by what he saw. He slowly crouched down to his knees and slid Fantacee into his lap. He began to cradle her. "Aw..dammit Fantacee...sssshit!.." he said as he rocked back and forth with her. He was really protective over her. She was pretty much the baby of the club family so he always made sure he kept a close eye on her. But Luscious was a workin man, so sometimes he couldn't be everywhwere. Tonight was one of those nights. He just looked around confused then got on the walkie talkie he had on his hip and called security to come right away. He pulled off his jacket and covered her nude, abused body until security came.

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