Chapter 46

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187 days later (Said in the voice of Spongebob's narrator)

Hey errybody.

I'm just going to pick up where I left off and wrap it up. But first, how is everyone???

Who's excited for Multiverse of Madness???


Y/n's POV

Sitting on the couch with a cup of eggnog, Shan and I watch Lizzie decorate the tree, which stands in the middle of Max's living room. I didn't want to come of course, but Shan has only been out of the hospital for a few days and Lizzie basically dragged me out the door.

She just wants to get back in Max's good graces while teasing me in that little Ms. Claus outfit, with high knee candy cane patterned stockings. Her holiday colored panties would show every single time she'd reach towards the top of the tree.

All while I was eyeing her ass, Shan has been ogling my drink, it's her favorite part of Christmas. I would have been sharing but helicopter mommy Max says she can't mix alcohol with her meds.

I stand up, setting my mug down to offer some 'help'. While snaking my arms around her waist, I rest my chin on her shoulder. "Hi." She says a smile taking form on her lips. Christmas by Mariah Carey plays subtly in the background. She leans back into me, tilting her head just enough to steal a kiss. "Max went to get tinsel." She says. With a knowing hum, I take in her scent. Her normal smell of vanilla mixed with ginger, from when we were making cookies. "That was half an hour ago." She adds.

It is obvious what she's doing. But I'm not the one acting like a child. I've tried talking with Max and it always ends in screaming and yelling. "She's probably out in the garage." Lizzie reaches forward, hooking an ornament on the tree. Her fingers fiddle with the branch, while hinting I should go talk to Max. "I bet there's an empty room somewhere around here?" I speak softly so Shan won't hear.

She gasped dramatically pushing me off. "Y/n! Your best friend is right there!" She adds playfully, I turn my head to Shan who's looking like I just caught her in the midst of a crime. My mug in her hands and a whip cream mustache over her lips.

With an eye roll, I pull her in for one more kiss before walking to the garage.

Sitting against the tire of a car, Max looks up to me. I move in front of her and take a seat too. "If I knew you were going to bring her, I would have taken back my offer." Max crosses her arms like a five year old child.

"She's trying." I say resting my head back against the wall behind me. The bag of tinsel sits in her lap. "Yeah, a little two hard." Max says under her breath.

New Years_
The giant digital clock has been counting down all night and my heart has only begun racing when it fell to the last 5 minutes. People around me don't seem nearly as excited.


Shan gives me that annoyed look I've been getting all week. She has designated me as her personal servant and after she got all loopy with the eggnog I haven't followed any request that involves liquor.

"Time's running low. Where's your girlfriend?" I don't miss the attitude in her voice, I just ignore it. But she has a point, I arrived with Lizzie and haven't seen her since. That was 4 hours ago.


"She's probably off lip-locking it up with another one of her ex's..." I roll my eyes doing the best I can to keep my cool. The snarking comments from Max have only gotten worse and...

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