Chapter 37

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(Sorry for the absence of posts. I have written this chapter like 5 times but I just couldn't get it right. So here's the better attempt.😂)

Lizzie's POV

The flashing lights in the parking lot took my anxiety to a whole nother level as I rushed through the doors of the New York police station. I see Max first. She's waiting. Just then I see Y/n being escorted out by a police officer. I bolt over to them and jump into her arms. She wraps those warm arms around my waist, ridding me of all my worries. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, moving my hands down her arms. Okay so maybe not all my worries. My hand runs against  something hard and when I look down her wrist is wrapped in a brace. "Awwe baby, what happened?" I asked before she could answer my first question. She opens her mouth to say something, but is cut off immediately.

"This dumb fuck got in a fight with Damien Chazelle." Max says, earning an eye roll from Y/n. That name seems familiar. It takes me a moment before I realize who he is. "I'd barely call it a fight." Y/n tries to downplay it. "You broke his nose! And if that's not the worst part. People had to pull you off of him!" Max says. I turn to face Y/n. "Well, what started the fight?" I ask. She glances at Max then back at me before shrugging, acting clueless.

"Just be lucky he chose not to press charges." Max scolds as we walk side by side out of the New York Police department. "You could fuck up your career with stunts like this." I continue. She steps to the other side of the car but before she could get in I lock it. "Y/n, are you listening to us?" 

She finally meets my gaze, but only to answer with a nod. "You need to apologize." Max tells her. "Funny." She chuckles. "You broke his nose! And in the process you sprained your wrist." I say. She looks down to her wrist in a brace. "I'm not apologizing." She says through her teeth. "God Y/n, you're so stubborn." Max groans as I walk to her. 

"Just tell me what he did and I'll try to understand what made you get violent." I try to negotiate. "He's an asshole, who I happen to put in his place." She shrugs, glancing back down to her arm. "Do you think this makes me look tough?" She blurts. I look at Max who is in the middle of an eye roll. "You can have her. I'm done." Max says walking off towards her own car. "My house or yours?" I ask.

"I would say mine but Crazy girlfriend's there and the last thing I want to do is spend another second imprisoned. " Y/n says. I fiddle with the hem of her shirt. "So she's still your girlfriend?" I ask, sounding completely calm and not showing my jealousy. "I tried to break up with her but then, she thought I was asking her to move in." Y/n informs me. I chuckle making my way back to the driver's side. "You can just drop me off at a hotel." She says. "I take it, you're sober." I ask playfully.

"Right, sorry about the other night, but in my defence, you looked amazing." She compliments me. "Soo, my place?" I ask, but it's more of a demand. "Yeah." She says with an assuring nod and smirk........

I led her up the walkway to my front door. I fumble with the keys, not letting go of her hand. Finally getting the door unlocked I walk inside just to be pulled back. "What's wrong?" I am confused as to why she won't come inside. "Lizzie, I can't do this with you tonight. 1st, I'm not officially broken up with Ash, 2nd I'm still kinda mad at you and 3rd if we are trying again I don't want to start us off with sex." Y/n says. I take her hands in mine. 

"That's fine. A platonic sleepover." I assure her with a smile. "But, um...will you ever forgive me?" I ask her. "Second first date, this Tuesday. Deal?" She ignores my question, with a huge grin on her face. "Deal." I smile as she playfully shakes my hand, finalizing our agreement.

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