Chapter 14

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(What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?)

Lizzie's POV

I spent the next few weeks avoiding Y/n. It was pretty easy outside of work but she is my boss so things on set are a little awkward. It doesn't seem to bother her much that we have stopped hanging out...

Suddenly there's a knock on my trailer door. When I open it, Y/n walks past me. "Come on in." I say sarcastically. "I-I don't want to be in a fight anymore. I'm not even sure what I did or why we were fighting, but whatever it is, I'm sorry. And I want things to go back to normal." She says in one breath. Well I guess it didn't bother her.

I just nod. Not really sure what to say. I want things to get back to normal too. So I just nod. "So we're good? Like for real good this time?" She asks. Again I just nod. "Okay...Cool. um that's all I came to say." She walks back towards the door. "Actually, one more thing. You. Me. Tonight. A real apology dinner?" Y/n asks, but it's more of a statement. She steps out the door.

Later that night...

We're walking down the pier with cotton candy. "So this is what a real apology dinner with Y/n Y/l/n looks like?" I ask playfully. “100%." She says. I look over to her, giving her a knowing look.

She sighs. "Okay this is going to sound pathetic, but this is all I could do without Max's help." Y/n says.  "Yep, very pathetic." I chuckle as we continue walking. "I did try to book up something at Tiana's Palace but life's a struggle man..." She jokes. 

We make it to the end of the pier and the moon is in the far distant, sitting perfectly above the water. I suddenly hear a similar slow melody playing. "Give me your hand." She says. I look to see her bonding her hand out for me. I roll my eyes now knowing what she's doing. I place mine in hers. "Now close your eyes, go on." She says. I comply hesitantly. She leads me to the edge of the wooden railing. 

"Step up. Now hold on to the railing." She says. My free hand feels the wood. "Keep your eyes closed. Dont peek." I could hear the suppressed laugh in her voice. I step on the railing with her help. "Hold on." She says. Before stepping up with me. I can feel her body press to my back.

"Do you trust me?" She asks. "I trust you." I say the lines. She takes both my hands in hers and spreads them out in a ‘T’ formation. She grabs my waist, steadying me before resting her head on my shoulder. "Alright now open your eyes." She says. 

I gasped dramatically. "Jack! I'm flying!" I say, causing us both to laugh. "Come Josephine, my flying machine...some more mumble I can't quite remember." She sings softly, causing us to laugh again. She moves her hands up, taking mine and pulling them to my chest. I lean my head back against her shoulder and turn my head to face her.

She looks down to my lips and I do the same. I lean in first and she mimics my movement until our lips pressed together. She tastes like vanilla, from the cotton candy. She probably tasted blue raspberry. I pull back, ending the kiss. "Cut!" I said, causing her to roll her eyes, playfully. 

She steps down, helping me as well. "Are we going to recreate the car scene now?" I joke. "In due time." She jokes back, with an assuring nod. "I wouldn't want to skip the painting scene." She says. I punch her in her shoulder as I scoff playfully. She chuckled before pulling me back in, locking lips.

(Thanks for reading.)
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(Til tomorrow besties!) 🥰 🥰 🥰 

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