Chapter 28

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(It's the Lizzie hate comments for me🤣)
(I was waiting for someone to comment: These hoes ain't loyal 'Jazz Hands')

Lizzie's POV

Y/n has been gone for three weeks and she gets back today. I have to tell her but I don't know how. The doorbell rings to my apartment and assuming it's Y/n, I rush to the door and open it with a huge smile on my face. She wastes no time embracing me in a hug. She lifts me up carrying me back a few steps into the house before lowering me back to the floor. 

"Facetime is nothing like the real thing." Y/n says playfully, before kissing me. I feel my back press to the wall. Her hands on my hits as mine slide down to her upper chest. "Bubs..." I try to speak. "Hmmm?" She hums against my neck. "W-we need to talk." I stutter under her touch. "That's never good." She giggles as she tugs on my shirt. I let out a soft moan as I feel her tounge on my skin.

"Bubs." I repeat. This time Y/n pulls away, looking me in the eyes. Before I could say anything the doorbell rings. She turns around. "Are you expecting anyone?" Y/n asks as she walks over to the door. She opens it and Boyd pushes past her.

"Lizzie, since that night I can't get you off my mind." Boyd says. He raises an eyebrow and she tilts her head confused. "You're not Lizzie." He says. "You're a smart one." She provokes. "Boyd, you need to leave." I say trying to push him out the door. He turns to me. "But we made love and then you just ghost me." He says. I shut the door and press my forehead to it.

I turn around and her eyes are glued to the floor. "Baby, I wanted you to hear it from me, so I could explain..." I say reaching out for her but she takes a step back. "It was a mistake. It will never happen again. I promise." I say. She hugs herself as her breath begins to thicken. "Baby, please." I begged her trying to reach out once more but again she pulled away.

"I was hurting and feeling rejected and you just left and..You took Shan of all people with you." I search for my words.

"I asked for your permission!" She yells.. "What was I supposed to say? No." I yell back. "Are you really going to stand there and blame me for your screw up!" She raises her voice again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Baby." I pled, for her forgiveness. Y/n step past me trying to head for the door. 

I quickly move in front of her, trying to stop her from leaving. "Baby, please talk to me." I beg. She throws her hands in the air. "What do you want me to say?!" She shouts. "Say you're mad, just say anything. Let's work through this." I told her. "That's easy for you to say, you're not the one who got cheated on." Y/n says as the tears bottling up, finally escape.

"If I could take it back I would." I said. "But you can't." She says, coldly. "Lizzie, I call you early in the Fucking morning because I know your about to go to bed and I want to wish you sweet dream. And I take time out of work to call you when you wake up hoping I have an impact on whether you have a good day or not. Then the first chance I get, I fly back to see you. Please explain, how the fuck you felt rejected?" Y/n asks. 

"Baby, you didn't do anything." I say reaching for her. This time she didn't pull away. She looks anywhere but me, not saying a word. "What are you thinking?" I ask, softly. "I don't know." She matches my volume. "What are you going to do?" I ask another question. "I don't know." She says again slightly aggravated this time. "Can we work through this?"

"Elizabeth, I have no fucking clue." She snaps, raising her voice. That was the first time she had ever used my full name and I had never hated my name more than I do now. Just hearing the anger in the tone crushed me. "What can I do, Baby, what do you need from me?" I ask.

"I need time...and Space..." She pulls away from me. "And a fucking time machine." She says as she leaves through the front door. I fall to my knees as I cry into my hands.

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