Chapter 9

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Y/n's Pov

  The cab ride back was completely silent. I step out of the car and offer her my hand. She takes it willingly and I walk her up to the door. Her hand seems to fit perfect in mine. I didn't let go when she steps out. Maybe I should have, but I didn't want to. Lizzie turns around to face me like she was waiting for me to say something. "I'm really sorry." I say. "You didn't do anything wrong." She tells me.

"I was the one to invite you, and I've known Damien for years. I should have known he'd pull some shit like this. We should have left before he called you a pizza ass." I say. She laughs at the last part of my sentence. "It's really not your fault. Don't blame yourself." Lizzie says. We share another moment of silence, before. "Do you want to come in for a drink." Lizzie asks. I shake my head slowly, knowing that would be very inappropriate. "No, I should probably head home." I tell her. "Come on, one drink won't hurt." Lizzie says. "Okay, one drink." I say in defeat.

We sit at her kitchen island, a cigarette between my fingers while a glass rests on the table in front of me. "So you and Shan seem pretty close, is there anything there." Lizzie asks, taking the smoke from me and moves it to her mouth. "Nothing more than friends. We met in sixth grade. Something about her wanting to be a star and I wanting to make them seemed like the perfect fit for best friends." I say. she blows the fumes in my face causing me to close my eyes. when I open them there is a slight smile on her face. I'm sure, I had that coming."I guess I thought you were a thing because of what Max said about you hooking up." Lizzie says handing me back the cigarette. 

I take a drag before exhaling. Me and Shan was had a few hook ups in the past but I dont want her knowing that. "Nope, just friends." I say. She nods, before letting out a yawn. She is so cute when she yawns. Her nose scrunches up and her eyes squint shut. "I should probably go." I say. "Nonsense, you can stay here tonight." She offers. I already know she would win this debate so I choose not to argue. "Thank you." 

She leads me down the fall and into her bedroom. She digs through her drawers, and pulls out an oversized 'T' and some pj shorts. I give her a smile of appreciation before turning to the door. "Where are you going?" She asks, brows furrowed. "Couch?" I say, unsure. "That a terrible place to sleep, You can sleep in my bed." She offers. Even if I hadn't had 3 glasses of whiskey, It would still be a bad idea. but once again, I know she would win.

 After changing, I climb into her bed. The rooms silent and dark. I could only make out a few figures of objects with the help of the moon light falling from the bedroom window. I feel the bed go down on the other side and she moves right next to me. Our breath, the only thing heard. She tugs on the covers pulling them up on us. The night appears to pass but I can't seem to sleep.

I hear her turn in the bed, before I feel her hand on my upper chest. My heart pounded threatening to burst forth from my ribcage. A tingling sensation forms in my hands and my body tenses up under her touch. She moves closer to me and her head now rests on my shoulder. "Your heart’s beating like crazy." She whispers softly in my ear. Her breath against my skin, sends a shiver down my spine. She must thinks I'm nervous, but I'm far from it. My breathing becomes heavey at the thought of how many positions I could make her cum in. How many neighbor would hear my main, fall from her lips.

I tilt my head slightly to look down at her and she's watching her hand fiddle with the rim of my shirt. "Can't sleep?" she whispers again. She looks up at me when I don't answer and with the moon light now brightening up the room, I can see those orbs of green, making my insides swoon. I force myself to look away and I take her hand in mine. I slowly move my fingers through hers, intertwining and unraveling. She seems to enjoy the touch just as much as I do, both of us now focusing on our hands.

(Catching feelings? Hmmm didn't see that coming🤪)
(Have a good day besties)

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