Chapter 19

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(Wanda's wiggly-woo or Nat's Fighting skills.)  

Y/n's POV

I have the perfect day planned for Lizzie. I spent all yesterday preparing, while she was at work and the best part is I did it without any help. It all starts with breakfast in bed. So I woke up two hours earlier than usual so I could drive out to her favorite restaurant and get us breakfast. God the ride, Soo Boring. But it was quiet which was nice.

I put all the food on a plate and now I'm heading into my room. I reach for the door handle but just then it opens. Lizzie rushes past me. “I’m late for work, I’ll see you later.” She says rushing down the stairs. Then the door slams shut. Uh, I would be lying if I was to say I’m not slightly disappointed, But she’ll be free for lunch, right? Right. My phone buzzes in my back pocket and when i pull it out I see, Shan tagged me in a post of the two of us riding skateboards with the #Besties.

I put together a picnic lunch. After looking at the time I see it's 11:05 and Lizzie goes on break soon. I set the basket in the passenger seat and pulled out of my driveway. Set is only like twenty minutes away so I wasn’t worried about time. The gate man knew me from when I made my first movie here, so getting in was super easy.

When I get out of my car I see Lizzie and Aaron walking towards their trailer. Hmm they seem close. I’m glad she’s making friends. Before I could walk after her, somebody smashes into me causing me to drop the basket. “Shit.” I say kneeling down to all the food on the ground. “Oh I’m so sorry.” A familiar woman’s voice says to me. I look up to see Cobie Smulders helping me with what I can now call trash.

“Y/n right? You directed Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” Cobie says. “Um yeah, but I only partnered on that project.” I correct her as I put the food and broken plate back in the basket. “So humble, I’m Cobie.” She introduces herself to me. “I know, I remember working with you.” I informed her. “Really? I had like 4 scenes.” She says. I shrug not really knowing how to respond. I stand up and drop the basket into the nearest trash can. “I’m really sorry about that, again.”

“Don’t be, accidents happen.” I feel a large amount of weight on my back as Scarlett jumps on me. “Y/n/n! What are you doing here?” Scarlet says. I fucking hate that nickname. “I was actually coming to…” Before I could finish, Chris walked up to us. “Y/n! It’s so good to see you.” Chris says. “You too.” I say. It’s not that I didn’t want to see them, I just want to find Lizzie before she has to go back to set. “Why do you never come visit anymore?” Scarlett says still on my back.

The three of them kept me the whole time, which is slightly aggravating. When I finally get away I make my way over to Lizzie’s trailer. Just as I get close she walks out. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” 

“I came to…” I forgot I dropped the basket. “Pick you up for lunch.” I improvise. “Babe, Lunch ended like an hour ago.” She says. I take a deep breath. “Really?” I ask, literally not believing it. She nods, walking down to meet me at the first stair. She jumps in my arms and gives me a kiss. I grip onto her thighs holding her up. “Carrying me to set.” She orders, wrapping her arms around me. At least I got this little time with her, but before I knew it I was setting her down. “Will you be awake when I get home?” Lizzie asks. “You’re working late?” I ask. She nods. “I’ll wait up.” I replied and she kissed me on the cheek before leaving. I stay and watch her for a few minutes.

Man, I miss being here. I miss calling the shots, interacting with others, even that disgusting coffee. I get in my car and rest my head again when suddenly my phone rings. When I pick it up the first thing I see is a text from Shan. “Drinks?”

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