Chapter 42

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(Dancing Or Singing?)

Y/n’s Pov

“What’s on your mind?” I look up to Max as we both sit in Shan’s room. To be honest, I’m surprised she is actually talking to me. Max and I haven't been in communications since the night I punched Daimen but I know the real reason she’s ignoring me and it’s because she isn’t a fan of me spending time with Lizzie. “Nothing.” I said. And I guess I’m a little mad that she’d let something so small get in the way of our friendship.

“How's Lizzie?” Max asks. “She’s fine, not that you care.” I mumble. It’s not like I don’t understand why Max is upset. I was a mess after the break up. I mean Lizzie broke my heart. “Did you hear anything about Ashley?” Max chooses to ignore my comment. “Uh, yeah. They think she set the fire but they can’t prove it.” I say.

“Looks like your choice in women hasn’t gotten any better over the years.” Max spats. I stand up abruptly. “Are you serious right now!” I whisper aggressively. “My best friend’s are in a medically induced coma and you’re giving me shit about the women I date!” Max stands up too. “Shan wouldn’t even be in this situation, if it weren't for you!” Max hisses. I open my mouth to say something but stop in disbelief. I glance over to Shan with a tube down her throat. I quickly grab my coat and leave.

Shan and Lizzie’s rooms aren’t too far apart. They are both in the same hall. Suddenly I see Boyd walk out of her room. “Don’t worry, She doesn’t love him.” I move my gaze to Mary-Kate Olsen as she’s leaned against the wall. I guess my face is a lot easier to read than I thought.

“It takes real balls to stand up to my mother, I'm impressed. She can be very intimidating.” Mary-Kate continues. I’m not in the mood to try and impress her family right now. Without saying a word I leave the Olsen twin and head over to her younger sister's room. I stand in the doorway and I only see one olsen. My olsen.

She meets my gaze and I just continue to stand there thinking of whether to ask about Boyd or just leave it be. “My family left to go get a late dinner. But Mary-Kate is roaming the halls someway.” She informs me. I hesitantly enter the room and pull up a chair. My chest still hurts from what Max said.

I take her hand in both mine as I bring her to my mouth. I pamper kisses along the back of her palm. Before I rest my head down on the bed. “What’s wrong?” She asks. I shake my head against the shitty mattress. “Nothing.” I say into the sheets. She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to comfort me. “You know you can talk to me, right?” Lizzie adds as I fidget with the thin light blue blanket.

I lift my head resting my chin on my forearm. “They let Ash walk, because the only key witness is currently in a coma.” I say, but at this moment that has nothing to do with why I’m upset.

“What?” She’s just as shocked as I was. “I know,” My voice cracks. “And I don't know what I’m going to do.” I speak, shakily. She moves over and pats the open spot next to her. There isn’t the slightest bit of hesitation, when I stand up and crawl into bed next to her.

She rolls on her side to face away from me. I ‘big spoon’ her and place light kisses on her neck. “Y/n no, we’re in the hospital.” She whispers burying her smile in the sheets. “I wasn’t even...but since you’re bringing it up, I have never had sex in a hospital.” I chuckle, kissing the back of her shoulder. “And you never will.” Lizzie says. I giggle into her hair and start kissing the back of her head. “With our luck, your nurse friend will walk in on us.” she laughs. I pulled back confused. 

“You met Ms. Linda?” I ask. Lizzie nods as she starts kissing my palm. “Did uh, Did she say anything?” I ask. “Just that I’m lucky to have you.” Lizzie says softly. I sigh in relief before kissing her once more on the cheek and laying down to cuddle her.

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