Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

   The night is exactly what I need to get me out of my head. The drugs in my system have slowed down my thoughts and It's finally clear. I'm leaned back into Shan as we both are laying on the couch. She talking but her works seem to be muffled. I'm only focused on one thing and she's standing all alone on my balcony. Who comes to a party just to be alone? I look around for Aubrey and see her rubbing up against Jeff Baena. I wasn't informed they knew each other. He's another screenwriter, none of his movies are anything special but Maybe he's directing her new movie Life After Beth. My gaze moves back to Lizzie and she is still out there.

I make my way outside and after shutting the sliding glass door the music is almost unheard. I'm not quite sure what to say. I feel like hi wouldn't be enough. "You're not going to jump, are you?" I ask. Metal slap to the face. She turns to me and forced a smile. I make my way over and stand right next to her and lean both my arms down, propping me up. "Can't have my lead actress plummitly a week before filming." I contues. Wow, I should just shut up. "Thanks for the concern but I'm not going to jump." She assures me with a playful laugh. I look out into the city and I've never really taken it in.

It's..."Beautiful, Right?" Lizzie says forcing my gaze back on her. I look at the party behind us and most the people are either dancing or drinking. "Why are you out here by youself?" I asks. Through the the corner of my eye I see her look to me but I foucs on the party. "I don't really know anyone, and the one person I do know is bumping bodies with some rando." Lizzie says. Rando? I let out a small chuckle in her chose of words.

"So, you're an actress. How's that going?" I ask trying to spark a conversation. "Well I just got a role in this movie, to be honest it's pretty lame and I should preoablly look for a better gigs." She jokes and eye roll from me. She nudges my playfully. we talk for what seems to be hours because when I turn back the party is pratcily over. Only a few people are in the living room. Shan and Audrey are passed out on the couch and Max is exiting the last few people out. We walk back in, meeting up with the three.

"Where have you been?" Max asks as we aproch. "Balcony." I awnser plainly. Max grabs me by the jaw and pulls me in. "Damn, you're stoned." Max realizs as she notice the dialtion in my eye. "And Drunk, wee did Jell-o shots." Shan slurs her words as she slightly wakes up. "I'm going to have such a hard time getting you out of bed tomorrow." Max sighs. Max has become more of an assistant since we have been working together. She plains my meetings, She picks my clothes, and She just make things run smoother.

Lizzie and Max help Audrey into my King size bed as I carry Shan up the stairs. I hold my hands under her thighs as she wraps her arms around my neck. "You're so Pretty." Stan slurs. "No you're so Pretty." I says the alcohol finally setting in. "You're right I am pretty," Stan says making me laugh as she nibbles on my eat. I bring her to the bedroom and get her down on the bed. I try to stand up but she drags me down on top of her.

She cause us both to laugh. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my stomach and pull me to my feet. "You are not staying in here." Max says. I scoff stumble back. "But this is my room." I state. She shakes her head. "If I leave you in here, the two of you will probably hook up and I don't think Aubrey want to wake up to that." Max says.

It shocks me how much Max knows about me. It's like she can read my mind sometimes. That is not always a good think. I sigh as she takes my hand leading me out the room. Lizzie follows close behind, seeming unsure of what she is suppose to do.

(Hey bestie)
(You are all the best!)
(Love you!!!!)
(Don't do drugs👍)

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