Chapter 2

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Lizzie's POV

    I pace back and forth waiting for Aubrey to call me back. Lately, it's been hard finding an acting gig and I finally swallowed my pride and asked my friend for help. She said she might have something and to give her about an hour. Ever since that call I have been watching my phone and lunging at every notification that appears. 

After what seems to be a dreadful life time, my phone rings. I lift my head slowly off the dining room table and see Aubrey's face with the contact title 'Stalker' appear on the screen.  I pick up the phone as I wipe drool off the side of my mouth. A squeal is heard from the other end of the call completely wakes me up. "She's in! She said she'd give you a chance. You’ll have lunch with her and the screenwriter." Aubrey says in excitement. I stood up in shock. "Really!" I ask not believing it. "Yeah, I think I sold my soul but You'll be considered, when finalizing the Lead Role." Aubrey says. We share a squeal, matching each other's energy. "You need to get some rest. Big day tomorrow!" Aubrey says before hanging up. How could I possibly sleep when I might be the Lead of a movie? Not just any Movie. Y/n  Y/l/n's movie. Everyone of her movies has earned at least one Oscar and She has won best director 4 times. That is more than any film director in history.

Next Day. I make my way towards the doors of the restaurant. I pull the door only to realize the place is closed. Looking around I see a woman sitting on the bench in front of the building. I walk over and take a seat next to her. The woman has a cigarette propped between her lips as her head is leaned back against the bench. She's wearing glasses that block the view of her eyes. She turns her head to me, catching me in the act of staring. She takes the cigarette between her fingers blowing out the fumes from her previous inhale. She offers it to me. "Oh, No thank you." I decline politely. She sighs, placing the smoke back between her lips. I watch her eyes close from the side view. "Are you also waiting for this place to open?" I ask. She takes the smoke between her fingers as she turns to me. She blows the fumes in my face. I'm not sure if she meant to, but I used my hand as a fan to move it away from me.

I probably shouldn't be talking to a stranger but I’m nervous and don't care too much. "I'm waiting for someone." I said. The woman, now looking at me, seems like she couldn't care less. "I want to make a good impression, but I think I got the times wrong." I told the woman. She stays silent, taking another drag of the smoke between her fingers. "My friend tells me she can come off as a bitch, which slightly makes me more nervous than I was before." I ramble before hearing the clacking of heels against the pavement. My gaze moves from the woman and to another lady rushing our way. She looks between the two of us. "Sorry, I'm late." She says before pulling the cigarette out of the first woman's mouth and dropping it on the ground. The first woman didn't seem to care.

The second woman held her hand out to me. "Maxine Weston. Please call me Max tho." She instructed herself. I take her hand, bringing a smile to my face. "Elizabeth Olsen, but I go by Lizzie." I introduce myself as well. Max leans down to the other girl sliding her glasses into her hair. "Are you awake?" Max teases, in a voice that mothers normally talk to there 4 year old kids in. A small smile appears on the first woman's face. She stands up and holds her hand to me. "Y/n Y/l/n." She introduces herself to me. My eyes widened as I realized I called the woman I was trying to impress a bitch.

We sit in the empty restaurant with no one around and Max has been the only one to talk. Y/n looks like she would rather be anywhere else but here. Max and I talk about my career and where it started. "And that's when I first heard of you." I look to the director. "Sarah couldn't stop talking about what a great experience she had working with you." I add. Max rolls her eyes at Y/n as she blows bubbles in her drink.

"What was the movie you played with Sarah again?" Max asks. I direct my attention to her. "Um, Martha Marcy May Marlene." I almost slurring my words together. It sure is a mouthful. "And how do you know Aubrey?" Max asks, finally mentioning the reason we have a meeting to begin with. "We filmed Ingrid Goes West together." I answer. Max nods her head then looks over to the Director. "Y/n, do you have anything to add?" Max asks, drawing her into the conversation. She looks between us before standing up. She pulls out a small wallet, then drops some cash on the table. The director holds her hand out. I quickly stood up shaking it. "It was nice meeting you. We'll think it all over, but I can tell you’re the woman for the job. I hope to enjoy working with you." Y/n says before letting go of my hand and walking away. My jaw partially drops in shock. I thought I was blowing it. 

“We’ll contact you.” Max says also shaking my hand. As soon as I saw her leave I let out a squeal of excitement. I immediately pull out my phone and call Aubrey to tell her the good news.

(Okay Bestie's that's it for today. I love you all and Hope to see your comments in the future.)
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