Chapter 52: Us Against The World

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A month later, I had been going to therapy, and my nightmares were gone. Things had gotten better, and I think it's safe to say that they were back to normal again. Chris and the band had been working on their new album more, and it was now called 'Everyday Life,' And was seriously amazing. I couldn't believe that I was getting to hear a Coldplay album before it was released, but then again, this was my life now. They were my family.

Chris had been feeling much better, and he was back to his normal self again after the injuries healed. As for myself, I had finally forgotten about my past, and I was fully ready to start over here, in my new life with Chris, Jonny, Will, Guy, And all of my other friends, Or should I say family.

It was another sunny day, and all of Coldplay, along with all of OneRepublic and Jessica and I had headed to the beach to enjoy the nice weather all together.

Guy stood over in front of the ocean with Brent, and the two of them talked as if they had known each other for years, although I believed that this was the first time they met.

Will spoke to Eddie, which I found funny, considering that they were both drummers, as Zach spoke to Jonny. Not far from them, Drew and Phil were having a casual conversation over by a lemonade stand, as Chris and Ryan both sat cross legged on the ground, silent as they watched the ocean, only saying a few words here and there.

As for Jessica and I, we were plotting our attack on them as we created sand balls to throw at them.

"Do you have enough ammo?" I asked her in a whisper.

"I think so." She Said. "So, what's the plan?"

"I'll sneak up on Guy and Brent, and you head for Drew and Phil." I Explained.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Afterwards, you attack Will and Eddie, and I'll get Zach and Jonny." I added.

"What about Ryan and your dad?" She Asked.

I swallowed. "Well, knowing them, they're gonna be plotting their attack." I mumbled. "So we have to meet back here and get more ammo."

She nodded, picking up one of her sand balls and preparing to throw it in Drew and Phil's direction.

"Are you ready, Agent Tedder?" I Asked, trying to stifle a laugh.

"Locked and loaded." She Said in a deep voice, as I picked up a couple of sand balls.

"Then let's do this." I nodded.

The two of us began to run towards everyone, and I watched as Jessica threw a sand ball directly at Phil's face.

"Hey, no fair!" He exclaimed, before she threw one at Drew as well, knocking his glasses off.

"Ryan, your sister is attacking again!" He called to Ryan, who laughed, before looking at Chris.

"Then we need to fight back!" He Said, before the two began to grab handfuls of sand.

As I approached Guy and Brent, I realised that they already had their hands full of sand, ready to fight back.

I lifted up my hand, ready to toss it at whoever's face it might hit.

"Hm.." I hummed to myself. "Who do I want to hit first? Brent, or Uncle Guy?"

"I never thought you'd betray me." Guy Said melodramatically, Before I laughed as if I were a villain.

I threw the sand ball, and Guy ducked, causing it to hit Brent right in the face.

Guy gasped. "No, Brent!" He said, as Brent laughed.

"Oh, it's on." He Said in a deep voice.

I let out a scream, before running over to the pile of sand balls to get more ammo. As I bent down to grab some more, Jessica ran over as well, out of breath.

"Who do we have left to hit?" She Asked.

"I didn't hit Guy," I Said. "And we still haven't attacked Will, Eddie, Zach, or Jonny."

"Don't forget about Ryan and Chris!" She added.

"They're already planning to attack us back." I Said. "We need to get someone else on our side."

"What about Zach? He's Nice." She Said.

"I can try and recruit Will. He's nice, too." I shrugged.

"Good idea!" She Said. "Let's head out!"

I nodded, scooping up as much sand as I could, before heading towards Will and Eddie. Only, as I was running to them, sand collided with my face, causing me to drop everything in my hands.

I looked around for the culprit, before realising that it was Ryan, who had a smirk on his face.

"Where's my sister?" He asked.

"I'll never tell you!" I cried dramatically.

"But you have to." I heard Chris' voice behind me, and turned around to see that he was also holding a handful of sand. "Because we have an army!" He exclaimed.

I looked around, seeing that everyone looked ready to attack me with sand.

"Surrender!" Chris Said, before laughing a bit.

"Never!" I exclaimed.

After that, basically everyone began throwing handfuls of sand at each other, and most of the other people at the beach left due to the chaos we were causing. I didn't pay that any attention, though, I was having far too much fun to worry about it.

After we all finally got tired, and we were all covered in sand from head to toe, we all walked over to the ocean, dropping ourselves into the sand in front of it as we looked out at the sunset.

Chris, who I was sitting next to, wrapped his arm around me, a small smile on his sand-covered face as he gazed at the sun. Ryan wrapped his arm around Jessica, looking over at Chris and I and smiling.

"This is nice." I Said quietly, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it is." Chris Said, before kissing me on the head. "I love you Aaliyah."

"I love you too, dad." I Said, looking up at him. "And Guy, Phil, Will, And Jonny. Maybe this is stupid to say now, but you all have become so special to me. You took me in when my life was going nowhere, and now, I feel like the happiest person alive." I looked over at Ryan and Jessica. "And you guys, thank you for becoming my friends. You're awesome."

They both smiled, before Chris looked down at me.

"Aaliyah, thank you." He said. "You're the most special thing in my life, and I'm so glad that you came into it. Thank you for being an amazing daughter. I love you so much, and we've gotten through so much together."

"We all love you, Aaliyah." Guy added.

Everyone nodded.

"We do." Jonny smiled at me, reaching over and patting my back.

I smiled a little, before looking back out at the sunset, just as everyone else looked back as well.

Chris began humming a tune to himself, and my smile grew wider as I realised that I recognised the song.

"Oh morning come bursting the clouds, amen.." I sang quietly, causing Chris to smile.

"Lift off this blindfold, let me see again." He sang.

"Bring back the water, let your ships roll in.." Ryan smiled a little, singing as well.

"In my heart she left a hole.." everyone joined in, and I sang confidently along with them, not caring who heard. "The tightrope that I'm walking just sways and ties, the devil as he's talking with those angel's eyes. And I just wanna be there when the lightning strikes, and the saints go marching in. Saying slow it down."

Chris looked down at me, smiling at me lovingly. "Though chaos as it swirls," he sang, pulling me closer to him. "It's Us Against The World."

Us Against The World // Chris MartinWhere stories live. Discover now