Chapter 41: Don't Panic

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We all began to panic.

"Chris!" Phil Said, kneeling down beside him and beginning to shake him. "Chris, wake up!"

"What should we do?" Guy Asked. "Should we call someone?"

"Y-Yes! Call 911!" Phil Said.

I just sat there in shock as Will pulled out his phone, dialling 911.

I was scared. This reminded me too much of what happened with my mom. I didn't want to remember that stuff, but the memories just came flooding back.

I knelt beside dad, holding his hand. "Dad, wake up.." I Said, tears filling my eyes. "Please."

To my surprise, he stirred a little, but didn't open his eyes.

"Chris! Chris, can you hear me?" Guy Asked, leaning down.

"What's happened..?" Chris mumbled.

"Chris, you've passed out, there's an ambulance on the way." Will, who just finished on the phone, said.

Chris hummed in response, and I sighed in relief.

At least he was okay for now. I wish I knew what was wrong, though.

After a bit, the paramedics came to get Chris. They put him onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. They let me get in with him, so I could ride along.

On the way to the ER, I just stared at my hands nervously.

I was really worried about him. I didn't want things to end up like they did last time.

Why couldn't things be perfect again? I just wanted him to be better, so we wouldn't have any more problems.

I didn't want to have to worry anymore.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out my pocket, seeing that there was a text from Jonny.

Jonny: we're all following the ambulance to the hospital.

Good. I was glad they'd be there, at least. If there was something wrong, I didn't want to be the only one there.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket, sighing. I looked at Chris, as a paramedic looked him over a bit.

"Do you know where he got this bruise?" She asked me, taking the hat off his head.

I shook my head. "He said it was nothing."

"It is nothing.." he mumbled, opening his eyes and looking over at me.

"It can't be nothing." I said.

He sighed. "I'm don't have to do this."

"Mr. Martin, you were just passed out." The paramedic said. "We at least have to check you out."

Chris sat up a little, rubbing his eyes. "I feel fine.."

When we got to the hospital, they took Chris straight to an exam room, which
Jonny, Guy, Will, Phil, And I all crowded in as they began to check Chris out.

Chris seemed nervous for some reason, as if he was hiding something. Had he not felt fine all this time?

"So, Mr. Martin, can you tell me what happened?" The doctor asked.

Chris sighed a little. "I was running, and I felt some pain.." he said. "I guess that's when I passed out."

"Where was the pain?"

"My stomach." He mumbled.

"Where your Stab wound was?" The doctor asked.

Chris nodded.

"How bad was the pain?"

"I don't know...pretty bad.." Chris Said quietly.

"How many times has this happened to you?" The doctor asked, looking at him.

Chris looked down. "Um...three...maybe four times."

"You've passed out three or four times?" Jonny Asked.

Chris bit his lip, nodding ashamedly.

That explained the bruise on his forehead. He had been passing out from the pain and not telling anyone? But why?

"Chris, why didn't you tell us?" Phil Asked.

"I didn't see the point In worrying anybody.." he said quietly. "Apart from the pain, I was fine."

"Mr. Martin, you wouldn't be feeling pain unless something was wrong." The doctor said. "For now, I'll give you some painkillers and recommend that you don't do any strenuous activities. Don't go walking, and try not to stand up too much."

"I can't go walking?" Chris Asked, almost sadly.

"Not until the pain goes away." The doctor said. "It will take some time, but just take it easy, okay? Doctors' orders."

Chris nodded. "Okay.."

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