Chapter 38: "I'm Fine"

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When I opened my eyes, It took me a minute to realize I had passed out.

"Hey Dad, have you seen my earbuds?" I heard Aaliyah call from up stairs.

I quickly stood up.

I didn't want to worry her, I was really fine, honestly.

Aaliyah's POV

After changing, I decided to listen to a little music. I didn't want it to be out loud, though, because I didn't want to bother Chris with loud music.

Except, when I went to reach for my earbuds in their usual spot on my dresser, they weren't there.

I began looking around my room for anywhere they could be, but couldn't find them.

I left my room, making my way to the top of the stairs.

"Hey Dad, have you seen my earbuds?" I called down.

I didn't hear an answer, so I started to come down the stairs.

I made my way into the kitchen, where dad was leaning on the counter, holding his head in his hands.

"Dad! Are you okay?" I Asked worriedly.

"Oh, I'm fine." He looked up at me, giving me a reassuring smile. "Just a bit of a headache."

"Do you need something?" I Asked.

"No, I'm okay." He said.

"Okay.." I looked at my hands. "Have you by any chance seen my earbuds?"

", I haven't." He said. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I gave him a small smile. "I'll keep looking."

I nodded. "Have you checked your backpack?" He Asked, leaning on the counter.

"No, I haven't." I Said. "Thanks!"

I left the room, before heading upstairs.

Of course that was where they'd be. When I went back to mom's I took them with me. I guess I had forgotten to unpack them.

I entered my room, picking my backpack up and setting it on the bed.

I unzipped it, And sure enough, there they were.

I smile to myself, pulling them out and laying on my bed. I plugged the earbuds into my phone, before going through my music. I ended up playing some Rihanna, before playing Twenty One Pilots. I guess I ended up dozing off, though, because I don't remember much after that.

Chris's POV

"There's no way we can continue the tour yet, Chris."

I sighed, sitting down on the couch as I held my phone to my ear. "I feel fine, Phil." I mumbled. "Honestly."

"Remember that time you had the flu during Viva La Vida tour?" He Asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No.."

"Well, you got the flu, but you said you felt fine." He explained. "Seriously, everyone who came to that show got to see you be sick like, ten times."

"Okay, But this is completely different!" I Said. "I'm itching to get back on stage again! I miss it already."

"I know, Chris," he sighed. "But you need to understand the seriousness of this situation. Media is mental over the entire fiasco, and you were stabbed, Chris."

"I know that." I mumbled.

"Chris, listen to me." Phil Said. "You could've died. I know you think you're ready right now, but give everyone, including yourself, some time."

"You're right...I'm being selfish." I sighed. "It was traumatic for you guys, too, yeah?"

"More then you know."

I bit my lip. Phil was right. We all needed some time to let things settle down before we got back out there again.

"Listen, I have to go.." Phil Said. "Talk later?"

"Yeah, man." I nodded. "Thank you...I mean, for being here for me."

He chuckled a little. "You're welcome, Chris."

Us Against The World // Chris MartinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora