Chapter 23: Let Somebody Go

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As we drove off, I looked in the rear view mirror at Chris, who had fallen to his knees, crying. The boys all surrounded him, comforting him.

Tears began to stream down my face, and my mom looked over at me.

"I don't even get a hi?" She Asked. "Why are you crying?"

I swallowed. "Y-you just took me from the only person who loves me."

"Who said I don't love you?" She scoffed.

I looked over at her. "The fact that you beat me every single day, never gave me a real home or even hugged me! You didn't even tell me you loved me once!" I Shouted. "And then you murdered your equally abusive boyfriend right in front of me, and you were gone for years! Suddenly, you want me back? You've been nothing but abusive my entire life!"

"Yeah, And What's so great about Chris anyway, huh?"

"He loves me!" I cried, tears streaming down my face. "He cares about me! He's given me my childhood back, and I love him! Not you!"

She slammed down on the brakes, looking at me with an angry expression.

"I gave birth to you." She growled. "All That man did was leave after he got what he wanted from me."

"That's not true!" I Shouted.

I felt a sharp pain across my cheek, and began to sob quietly.

This pain was all too familiar.

"It is the truth you selfish little brat." She Said. "What, did he show you how to act like a celebrity? Let me tell you something, life isn't all fun and games. We can't all be a singer, or have a happy go-lucky parent."

"No!" I Shouted. "He showed me what love really is! And I won't stop trying until I can go home with him!"

"You're never going to see him again." She growled.

She slammed her foot down on the gas pedal, and I looked out the window, sobbing.

She was already being abusive. Some people just don't change.

After we got to my mom's house, she sent me straight to my bedroom.

It was more like a closet, with the wallpaper torn and the floor stained. The bed was messy and dirty, looking like the sheets hadn't been washed in years.

Still, I laid in it, looking up at the water-damaged ceiling.

I opened up my suitcase, pulling out the phone that Chris had given me a few weeks ago. I went into the photos app, opening up a selfie of me and Chris.

I began crying as I looked at him.

I already missed him, so much.

I wondered if he was missing me, too.

Chris's POV

I laid in my bunk, just watching the wall.

All I could think of was Aaliyah.

If there was any way to get her back, I would do anything to see my precious daughter again.

I needed her with me. She was my life.

Typically at this time, I would sing to her. She would be right above me in her bunk, falling asleep to the music.

Now it was silent.

I didn't feel like singing. All I could do was cry.

I missed her.

I began crying again, pulling out my phone and opening a picture of me and her.

I just gazed at her, tears streaming down my face.

I would give anything for her to be safe with me again.

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