Chapter 34: Silence

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The next day, we had all left the hospital. They had told Chris to take it easy, but to celebrate getting out of the hospital, we were going out to eat. The entire band packed in the van, and Aaliyah and Chris sat in the far back, while I sat in the middle row, and Jonny drove with Will up front with him.

Aaliyah still hadn't said a word since yesterday. She also hadn't eaten.

Yesterday, we were able to get her to at least have a jello, which of course didn't have many nutrients, but at least it was something.

During the ride, Chris kept his arm wrapped around Aaliyah, not saying a word.

Aaliyah only stared at her hands, a blank expression still on her face.

"Aaliyah, will you eat when we get to the restaurant?" He asked her.

She nodded a bit, and Chris looked up at me. He looked like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

When we got to the restaurant, we sat down and all began looking over the menus.

Chris leaned over to Aaliyah, going through the menu a bit with her.

She pointed to something, and he nodded.

"Can you order for me?" She Asked, her voice hardly above a whisper.

"Of course, sweetie." He said, giving her a small smile.

The waitress came up, got our orders, then left to get us drinks.

All of us just ordered water, not really in the mood for anything else, I guess.

Aaliyah stood up quickly, and Chris looked at her worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She nodded a bit. "I-I'll be back." She mumbled quickly.

She left hurriedly, and Chris looked over at us. "I'm really worried about her.." he said quietly.

Aaliyah's POV

When I got into the bathroom, I quickly locked the door, then ran over to the sink.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Gosh, I looked awful.

I didn't want to worry the others with the way I was acting, but I couldn't help shutting down.

The realization of everything hit me, and it hurt a lot.

I nearly got Chris killed, and then I murdered my own mother.

Though I disliked her a lot, it didn't change the fact that she was my mum. She gave birth to me, and raised me.

But the boys where so happy that Chris was okay, and my mum was gone, while I was grieving.

Instead of ruining their happiness, like I always do, I guess my way of grieving became silencing myself.

All I had were the echos in my mind, the words my mum told me, and the thought of nearly losing Chris.

I knew that what mum Said about him faking his happiness wasn't true, and since the media didn't really know that much about me, he wasn't using me for fame, either.

But one thing that she said really stuck with me.

There is no happy ending.

Would that be true? What if I continued to ruin Chris's life? There would be no happy ending, then.

I could see myself ruining things, just like I always do.

So for now, I guess I keep my silence.

Just so no one gets hurt.

Chris's POV

Aaliyah came back a while later, just after our food had been brought out.

She sat down in her seat, looking at her food wearily.

"That looks good." Will Said, smiling at her.

She shrugged a little.

I looked up at the others, nodding a little, and we all began to eat our food, in hopes that Aaliyah would as well.

I was so deathly worried about her. I hated the fact that she wasn't eating, and the fact she blamed herself, and the fact she was so broken. I just wanted to know what was wrong. I wanted to help her.

It broke my heart seeing her like this. I hoped that once we got home and things went back to normal, that she'd get better. Maybe this was just a phase?

I only wanted her to talk to me. I wanted her to be okay again.

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