Chapter 33: Disconnected

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Guy's POV

The week passed quickly, and it soon became the day that Chris was allowed to leave the hospital.

It had been decided that, since he wasn't showing any symptoms of having internal injuries or anything like that, he wouldn't need surgery.

We were all happy to have Chris back, and in one piece.

Except, all of us, including Chris, noticed that Aaliyah suddenly became disconnected; she just shut down, and wouldn't talk, or hardly even eat.

Chris and the doctors, nurses, and the band of course, begged her to eat, or tell us what was going on.

Then the time passed. She had barely eaten a thing, or said a word to us in a week

I could tell it scared Chris, and honestly, it scared me, too.

Chris was trying his hardest to keep it together, acting like everything was the way it was before, in hopes of cheering her up.

Nothing worked.

Another thing was that she couldn't even look at Chris without tearing up.

Did she still think it was her fault?

We all wondered why on earth she be acting like this. Sure, a lot of crap had happened to her, but things were better now, right?

She didn't have to worry about her mum anymore, she was in a place where she was loved, and Chris was okay.

We were all together. Weren't things perfect?

Chris had already begun packing up a few things, but the doctor made him get back in bed, since he was still being monitored until his discharge.

Jonny and Will were off in the cafeteria getting lunch, and I was sitting by Chris's bed, reading a magazine.

I peeked up into the corner of the room, where Aaliyah had been sitting all day, on the floor.

She just stared at the carpet, a blank expression on her face.

I looked up at Chris, whose eyes were filled with worry as he just gazed at her.

"Aaliyah," he said softly. "Do you want to come sit with me?"

She didn't even look up, but shook her head.

Chris looked at me, a sad expression on his face.

He got out of bed, standing, and I put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Chris.." I Said.

He brushed my hand off of him, then reached down and pulled the IV out of his arm.

He walked over to Aaliyah, sitting cross legged in front of her.

"Aaliyah.." he said. "Talk to me, sweetheart.."

She looked up at him, and just stared. Her eyes looked so sad.

Chris reached over, laying his hand on her cheek, rubbing it with his thumb gently.

"I love you, Aaliyah." He said. "What's wrong?"

She looked back down. "I wanna go home." She whimpered.

"We'll be going home tomorrow, yeah?" Chris Said, running his hand through her hair. "Why don't you eat something?"

"I'm not hungry." She mumbled.

"You've hardly eaten in a week, please.." Chris Said pleadingly.

I could tell this was really hard for him, especially when he didn't know why she was doing this.

"I don't feel like eating." She Said, looking back up at him.

"Baby, why not?" He asked, his eyes becoming a bit glossy.

She looked back down, going back into her silence.

"Aaliyah.." Chris Said quietly.

She continued to just stare at the floor, so Chris nodded, standing.

He came back over to the bed, sitting down, and just staring into space.

I patted him on the back. "You tried, right?"

He nodded solemnly, still staring.

I hoped that Aaliyah would get better after they went home. To be honest, it scared me.

I think all of us, including Chris, knew it had something to do with her mum. Maybe she said something. That, and if Aaliyah still thought it was her fault, I could understand why she was acting like this.

Maybe she was scared she would get us hurt. Maybe she was scared to be hurt.

Whatever it was, it seemed to be consuming her, and if she didn't get better, we could lose her for good.

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