Chapter 19: Princess Of China

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The next night, Chris had gotten to feeling quite a bit better, so after a lot more Sprite and some Tums, he was ready for the concert.

However, I was not.

This would be my first night singing Princess Of China with Chris, and I was super nervous.

I was nowhere close to being as good as Rihanna.

So, In my nervousness, I too needed Sprite and Tums to keep myself from getting sick.

That only got worse when they all went onstage.

Chris was just about to go out, but he came over, giving me a quick hug, and a kiss on the head.

"Love you." He said.

"Love you, too." I smiled at him. "Break a leg."

"I don't wanna do that.."

I laughed a bit, and he did as well.

He then went onstage, and I began just listening to them.

Chris had told me the night before to listen for when he mentions Rihanna, and the song name. He told me to go out when he says my name.

So I just listened, waiting for that moment, full of anxiety.

When it came, my heart nearly leapt out of my chest.

I stood, listening to what he was saying as my heartbeat quickened and my breathing became unsteady.

"Rihanna sadly couldn't be here, so to duet with me tonight," he said. "Is my one and only daughter, Aaliyah."

Hearing my name, I began to walk onstage, feeling a little dizzy. My legs felt as if they were heavy, slowing the speed in which I walked.

But I kept going, and suddenly, a bright light was on me, and people were cheering.

I smiled at everyone, waving a bit as I stepped up to the microphone that stood next to Chris's.

We both looked into each other's eyes, and he smiled at me encouragingly.

The band began to play the music, and I took a deep breath.

"Oohhhh ohhh ohhhh ohh.." I sang, my voice a little shaky.

Chris took his microphone off of its stand, walking closer to me. "Once upon a time, somebody ran, somebody ran away, saying, as fast as I can. I've got to go. I've got to go. Once upon a time, we fell apart. You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart. Oh oh.."

"Woah...ohhh ohhh ohh." I sang, getting a bit nervous Since my part was coming up. I took a deep breath, pushing away my anxiety. "Once upon a time, we're burning bright, but all we ever seem to do is fight. On and on.."

Chris and I looked at each other, singing the part together. "And on, and on, and on. Once upon a time on the same side, once upon a time on the same side, in the same game."

"But why'd you have to go, have to go and throw it all in my face?" I sang, smiling a bit as I felt less anxious. "Could've been a princess, you'd be a king. Could've had a castle, and worn a ring. But no, you let me go. Could've been a princess, you'd be a king. Could've had a castle, and worn a ring. But no, you let me go."

"You stole my star, la la la la la la la," Chris and I sang together, Chris leaning down so he and I were eye to eye. "la la la la la la la, la la la, you stole my star, la la la la la la la."

"Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh. Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh."

"Cause you really hurt me. Oh, you really hurt me. Cause you really hurt me. No, you really hurt me. Cause you really hurt me. Oh, you really hurt me. Cause you really hurt me. Oh, you really hurt me."

As the song ended, everyone began cheering loudly, and my cheeks turned red.

Chris picked me up, hugging me tightly. "You did it!" He laughed happily.

"I did it!" I exclaimed.

He spun around a bit, before setting me down.

He smiled at me, before putting his microphone back and motioning over to me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Aaliyah Martin!"

The crowd cheered again, beginning to chant my name.

I smiled at them, waving a bit awkwardly. "T-Thank you!" I Said into the microphone.

I then walked off of the stage, taking a deep breath.

I did it.

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