Chapter 32: Breathe

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The doctor looked at a few nurses, motioning for them to come over.

She positioned them in different places, just so they could help out if needed. Two of them stood by the monitors, so they could read off the vitals.

Anxiety filled my chest, and I felt like I was going to pass out, or be sick or something.

What if things went horribly wrong?

"Can I hold his hand?" I Asked quietly.

The nurses looked up at the doctor, who nodded. "I don't see why not, sweetie."

I nodded, taking his hand and holding it. "You'll be okay, dad.." I whispered to him.

The doctor looked up at the nurses once again. "Remember, after up to two minutes, we put the tube back in." She Said. "We don't want him going brain dead on us."

The nurses all nodded.

The band came close behind me, just watching, with nervous expressions on their faces.

The doctor swallowed, taking the tube into her hands. "Everyone Ready?"

Everyone nodded, and I squeezed Chris's hand a little.

The doctor took a deep breath, then began pulling the tube out of his throat. When she brought it up, she shut of the machine, and one of the nurses started a stopwatch.

His chest lowered as he exhaled the last of the air, then didn't rise again.

"Okay.." the doctor mumbled. "Come on, Mr. Martin.."

I rubbed his hand, my heart beginning to pound in my chest.

The silence in the room was eerie, but was soon interrupted by the sound of loudly beeping monitors.

"Heart rate is below fifty BPM." One of the nurses said.

The doctor nodded, looking at the nurse with the stopwatch. "How much time?"

"About one more minute left." He said.

I swallowed, patting dad's hand. "Dad, come on, breathe.." I Said. "Just take a deep breath in...please."

He continued to stay still, and more monitors began beeping.

"Blood pressure has lowered." Another nurse said. "Pulse as well."

"Half a minute left." The nurse with the stopwatch said.

"Chris.." Jonny Said, his tone seeming extremely nervous. "Breathe, Chris.."

"Dad...please.." I Said, tears beginning to fill my eyes.

"Heart rate below 35 BPM." One of the nurses.

"Dad!" I cried. "Just breathe, please...I need you.."

"Two minutes." The nurse said.

I looked up, tears streaming down my face. "No.."

"Turn the machine back on." The doctor said, and one of the nurses did as they were told.

The doctor reached to put the tube back down his throat, but I felt something.

My eyes widened.

"Wait!" I Said.

Everyone stopped, and I squeezed Chris's hand.

To my surprise, I felt a weak squeeze back.

I looked up at him. "Come on, Dad.."

He moved the slightest bit, wincing.

Suddenly, he sat up a bit, taking a loud, gasping breath.

He sat for a minute, just staring off into space while he breathed heavily.

Everyone in the room was silent, just watching him in shock.

He swallowed a bit, then looked down at his hand, which I was still holding.

He looked up into my eyes, which began filling with tears. "D-Dad?"

"Aaliyah.." he said, his voice a bit scratchy.

I began crying, hugging him tightly.

He winced a little, but still hugged me back, even tighter than I had hugged him.

"Aaliyah...none of this is your fault.." he said, kissing me on the head. "Never blame yourself for any of this, please.."

"I'm so sorry, dad.." I sobbed. "I-I just feel like I'm responsible..."

", you're not responsible.." he cooed, running his hand through my hair.

The doctor swallowed, shaking her head a bit. "Sir, you need to lay back down."

She placed her hand on his shoulder, pushing him back onto the the bed gently.

"Mr. Martin, how do you feel?" She Asked.

He looked down at bit. "Tired.." he said.

"Do your stitches hurt?" She Asked. "You shouldn't be able to feel them with how much pain medication we've given you."

"Stitches?" He asked, lifting up his shirt a bit to look at the stitched up cut on his stomach. "Oh...I didn't feel anything.."

She nodded. "Okay.." She Said. "We'll keep you on pain medication. You still have internal injuries, so we'll have to put you out for surgery if you get your strength back."

He nodded, then looked up at the band. "Hi, guys!" He said, smiling.

The band was still clearly shocked, but Jonny swallowed.

"You're okay.." He Said quietly.

"I think so.." Chris Said. "How long was I asleep?"

"Chris, you were in a coma." Guy Said.

Chris furrowed his eyebrows. "Coma?" He asked. "I thought I had just passed out.."

"You almost died, Dad.." I mumbled.

My eyes filled with tears again as I looked down.

"Oh...come here.." he said softly, holding out his arms.

I walked over, and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

I buried my head in his chest, crying quietly.

"Hey, it's okay.." he said. "I'm here.."

I didn't know why I couldn't hold my emotions in.

I was still in shock from almost losing him, and now he was awake, not even aware of what had happened.

I just wanted to know he was okay.

Would he be okay?

And would things ever go back to the way they were?

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