Chapter 8: Meet And Greet

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"Guys, this is my daughter, Aaliyah."

Both Guy and Will's mouths dropped open as they stared at me.

"D-Daughter?" Guy Stuttered.

"Yep!" Chris Said, reaching over and ruffling my hair a bit.

"When did you find out?" Will asked.

"A few days ago." Chris Said. "But we just met yesterday."

"Well, welcome to the family, Aaliyah." Guy said, breaking out of his shocked state to give me a small smile.

"Thank you." I Said, smiling back at him.

"So, Aaliyah, Do you want us to tell the fans who you are?" Chris Asked. "Only if you're ready."

I nodded. "I am."

He smiled at me, then stood up. He picked up a microphone from the table, and faced the line of fans.

"Thank you all for coming, it's so great to see all of your faces." he said. " some news."

Everybody went quiet, and looked at Chris expectantly.

"This beautiful young girl next to me," Chris started, looking down at me. "I have just found out is my daughter."

Everybody in the crowd smiled.

"Her name is Aaliyah, and today, you all will have the pleasure of meeting her." He said. "Of course, she's not quite used to this," he laughed a bit. "So she might be a little shy."

Soon, the band started meeting fans and and signing CDs. After they met the band, the fans would come over to me, and ask me questions.

A girl my age came up, and asked what it was like to have Chris as a dad.

"He's awesome," I Replied. "The Best dad in the universe."

He looked back at me and smiled. "And you're the best daughter in the universe."

I smiled back at him, then continued to talking to fans.

After the meet and greet, the rest of Coldplay wanted to talk to me.

They were really nice.

After a while, though, Chris told them we should probably go now. Jonny came up to me, smiling a bit.

"It's nice to meet you, Aaliyah." He said. "Welcome to the family."

"Thank you." I smiled.

The others said goodbye as we left the building, and Chris reached over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. The paparazzi was still there, but there weren't that many people anymore, so they didn't bother us again.

"So," Chris Said, looking over at me. "What'd you think of the fans?"

"They're so nice!" I exclaimed.

He laughed. "Aren't they?"

"I made a lot of friends, too!" I Said, then looked down. "Of course, if that's okay.."

"Of course it's okay!" He said, then looked at me, a bit confused. "Why wouldn't I be okay with that..?"

I sighed. "Growing up, my mum wouldn't let me have friends." I mumbled. "Neither did my aunt."

"Oh.." he said sadly, then smiled a bit. "Well, you can have all the friends you want now."

I smiled weakly. "Yay.." I Said.

He patted me on the head. "Aw, cheer up. Things are different now, yeah?"

I nodded.

We made it to the car, where both of us climbed in the backseat and buckled up.

The driver started the car up, and soon we were on the road again.

"So, today.." Chris mumbled. "I have to make you an appointment..." He bit his lip. "I have other stuff to do, but I don't remember." He laughed a bit.

I laughed as well. "Should've written it down."

"I know.." he said, looking at me and laughing.

I sat back, looking out the window. "Chris?" I Asked quietly.


"This has been the best couple of days of my life." I Said. "Thank you.."

He smiled at me. "Of course." He said. "I'm just glad I could take you away from there. I can't wait to make up for all of that time I missed."

I nodded, stretching a bit and yawning.

"Tired?" Chris Asked.

I nodded again, and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder, and soon, I dozed off.

Us Against The World // Chris MartinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu