Chapter 1: Everyday Life

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"Aaliyah, get your ass out of bed!"

I sat up, being awoken by the loud noise, before stretching.

My aunt came in the room, putting her hands on her hips. "Can you watch the twins while I go out shopping?" She Asked.

"I guess." I Mumbled.

"You guess? I'm giving you a home, and you can't even watch the kids while I'm away?"

"I'll do it.." I Sighed, getting out of bed.

As I walked out of the room, she gave me a shove as I passed her.

"Watch your attitude." She warned.

I made my way out to the kitchen and sat down at the table next to the twins, just as I heard Aunt Millie leave the house.

"Where'd mummy go?" Alexandria Asked.

"She's just going shopping." I Said. "She won't be long."

"She goes shopping nearly every morning." Alexander Said, pushing away his cereal bowl as he began to pout. "Why?"

"She has enough money to." I shrugged.

"Then why doesn't she buy you stuff?"

"I guess I'm not important.." I mumbled, looking down at my hands, which I had resting on the table.

"Yes you are." Alexandria Said.

"Well, thank you, but nobody else thinks so." I Said, giving her a small smile. "It's alright, though. I still have music."

"And us." Alexander Chimed.

"Of course." I Said. "At least you guys care about me."

The phone suddenly started ringing, and I looked over at it.

"Answer it!" Alexandria Exclaimed.

"Aunt Millie doesn't like when I answer it." I Explained. "I'll just tell her that someone called when she gets home."

"Answer it! Answer it!" Both Of the twins started chanting.

"Why?" I Asked.

"We wanna know who it is!" Alexander Said. "We'll be extra good if you Answer it!"

"I'm not letting you bribe me." I sighed.

After a couple more rings, The phone stopped ringing, and they both began to pout.

"Now we're sad.." Alexandria whined. "We'll Tell mummy."

"So much for you guys caring.." I mumbled. "Tell you what, I'll let you guys listen to Coldplay with me while I tidy up the house a bit. How's that?"

"Coldplay!" They Both Exclaimed.

I laughed a little. "I guess that's a yes. Now hurry and wash yourselves up."

They both jumped out of their chairs and ran to the bathroom to wash themselves, and I when into my room and grabbed A Rush Of Blood To The Head. I went back into the kitchen and found my aunts's CD player, which was covered in dust since she never used it. I put my CD in carefully, just as the twins ran back into the room.

"Can you play Clocks first?" Alexander Asked excitedly. "That one's my favourite!"

"Alright." I Said, laughing a little as I skipped to the 5th song on the album.

I pressed the play button and turned it up, and piano filled the room. I took a deep breath and payed close attention to the music, getting that familiar feeling that I got every time I heard Coldplay.

I don't even have the words to describe it; It's just happiness, but even better than that, really.

I grabbed a broom and started sweeping, While I really got into the music, singing and dancing.

As it was getting to the end of the song, I felt a pain in my stomach, and winced.

"Not again.." I said quietly.

This had been happening to me for a year now, and I really wasn't sure what it was. I had tried to tell Aunt Millie about it, but she disregarded it, saying that it was only my imagination.

I gripped my stomach, and fell to my knees, and the twins ran over.

"Aaliyah? Are you okay?" Alexandria Asked. "Is it happening again?"

"I'm okay.." I Said, trying to stand up, my legs slightly wobbly.

My stomach still hurt, but I carried on with sweeping the floor, humming to the music.

Just like my aunt had said, it was probably just my imagination.

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