Chapter 48: Beach

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When we got to the beach, Jessica opened her door before Ryan even had a chance to completely park the car. She grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the car, onto the sand.

"Jessica, Wait!" I laughed as she pulled me over to the water.

"Isn't it so pretty?" She Exclaimed, slipping off her flip flops.

She began to dig her toes in the sand, laughing. "Join me!"

"I'm wearing sneakers!" I giggled.

"Take them off!"

"Okay, Okay." I knelt down, beginning to take off my shoes.

"Aaaand Aaliyah's taking off her shoes.." I heard ryan say behind me.

"You should, too!" Jessica Said. "The sand is nice."

"I'm good." Ryan Said, before looking out at the ocean. "The water's pretty, though."

I finally got my shoes off, so I took off my socks as well, before standing up and wriggling my toes in the sand.

I laughed a little. "The sand feels nice."

"Come on, Ryan, take of your shoes!" Jessica Exclaimed, running over to her brother and grabbing his arm. She began to shake his arm, and he shook his head.

"I don't really want sand in my shoes." He chuckled.

"What about sand in your hair?" She Asked.


She bent down, grabbing a handful of sand.

His eyes widened, and he stepped back a bit.

"Jessica, you have no idea how long it takes to style it like this.." he said.

"Oh I know." She Said, lifting up her hand full of sand.

Ryan quickly took off, beginning to run.

"Aaliyah, help me catch him!" Jessica Exclaimed, and I bent down, grabbing a handful of sand.

Jessica began to chase Ryan, but I decided to chase Jessica.

Once I caught up to her, I threw the handful of wet sand in her hair, and she gasped.

"You've betrayed me." She Said melodramatically. "I thought we were friends!"

She pretended to pass out, and I looked down at her, trying not to laugh.

"Sayonara, Tedder." I Said in my best villain voice.

"Not quite yet." She mumbled, before grabbing a handful of sand.

She threw it straight at my face.

"Oh! Right in the face!" I exclaimed, throwing myself on the ground beside her.

Ryan walked over, looking down at us.

"Damn, did I miss the battle?" He laughed.

Jessica laughed, before throwing a handful of sand at Ryan's face.

He also pretended to pass out, falling in the sand next to us.

We all began to throw and kick sand at each other, people walking by and staring at us funny. Honestly, I didn't really care. I was having too much fun to even notice.

All of us suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, and tears filled my eyes from laughing so hard.

Ryan wiped his eyes, which were also full of tears from laughing. "Your dad...he's gonna wonder why we're all covered in sand."

"He'll be pissed!" Jessica laughed.

"Nah, dad probably won't care." I shrugged. "Although he may wonder what we were doing."

"Speaking of your dad," Ryan said, looking at his watch. "We should head to your house now."

"Awww.." Jessica whined.

"Did you guys have fun?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah!" I Said.

"Let's do it again!" Jessica exclaimed.

We all started laughing.

"I'm sure we can someday soon." Ryan Said. "Oh! Let's take a sand selfie!"

He pulled out his phone, and Jessica and I moved closer so we were in the picture.

"Alright, say cheese!" Ryan Exclaimed, Before he took a picture of all three of us smiling widely.

Us Against The World // Chris MartinWhere stories live. Discover now