Chapter 43: A Friend

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I had been sleeping really well, at least until I began to have a nightmare.

I was kind of surprised, honestly. Being with Chris, I really didn't have any nightmares anymore.

I suddenly opened my eyes, feeling my heart beating quickly.

I looked up at Chris, who was fast asleep, his mouth open slightly as he snored quietly.

I took a deep breath, laying my head back on his chest. It was only a dream. Everything was fine.

I began to shut my eyes again, but I heard the doorbell ring out in the other room. I looked over at the time, seeing that it was after six o clock.

It must be Phil with dinner.

I got out of bed, careful not to wake Chris as I sneaked out of the room, making my way out to the front door. I opened it up, tiredly rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, Aaliyah." Phil greeted me.

"Hi, Phil." I smiled, waving at him as I opened the door. "Come in."

He stepped inside, looking around a little. "It's quiet." He said. "Where's Chris?"

"Sleeping." I mumbled, stretching a little.

"Ah." He nodded. "Well, I brought you dinner."

He handed me a bag, and I opened it up. "Ooh, Japanese!" I exclaimed.

"I wasn't really sure what to get." He smiled a little. "Is that Okay?"

"It's more than okay, thank you Phil!" I Said, smiling back at him. "Would you like to stay and eat?"

"It's very kind of you to ask, but I should really get back home." He Said. "Thank you, though."

"Thank you for bringing dinner." I Said.

I gave him a quick hug before he left the house, and since Chris was still sleeping, I went over and put the food in the fridge so we could just heat it up when he woke up.

Afterwards, I went back into the bedroom, climbing back in bed beside Chris.

He was still sleeping heavily, so I pulled out my phone and started going through my Instagram.

When I got in, I realised I had a message. I opened it up, seeing that it from one of the girls I had met at the meet and greet. She was really nice, and her name was Jessica. I was happy she decided to message me.

Jessica: hi Aaliyah! I don't know if you remember me, but I was from the meet and greet.

I quickly typed back a reply.

Hey! Of course I remember you! How are you?

A minute or two after I messaged her, she came online, beginning to type back.

Jessica: I'm okay! How are you? Is Chris okay?

I'm okay, too! So is Chris.

Jessica: that's good. I heard about everything that it true?

I sighed, looking over at Chris before texting her back. was true.

Jessica: oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. That's really scary stuff you went through. I'm here if you need <3

Thankfully everything's better now. It was just pretty traumatic, I guess. I keep having nightmares from it all.

Jessica: Hey, I have a therapist that helps me with my anxiety, she might be able to help you.

A therapist? I had never thought of that. I mean, with all that Chris and I have been through in the past few months, a therapist might help, at least a little.

Maybe I should talk to dad about that.

Jessica: I can send you her number if you'd like


I heard a quiet groan, and looked over to see that Chris was waking up.

I've gotta go, Chris is waking up from a nap.

Jessica: Okay! Talk to you later?

I smiled a little, before replying.

Talk to you later, Jessica.

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