Chapter 44: Safe

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I looked over at Chris, who was stirring a bit.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I laughed a little, and he smiled.

"What time is it?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Just after six-thirty." I Said, slipping my phone back in my pocket. "Dinner's in the fridge."

"What did Phil bring?" He Asked.

"Japanese." I Said happily.

"Oooh!" He said, beginning to get out of bed.

"Hey, you have to stay here." I Said. "I'll bring you food."

"Really, I feel fine.." he started.

"No. Stay." I demanded, getting off of the bed.



I gave him a look, before leaving the room and heading out to the kitchen. I grabbed the containers of food from the fridge, before putting them both in the microwave to warm them up.

I sighed a little as I waited for them to finish, beginning to let my mind wander.

Before I knew it, the microwave was beeping, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I went over and opened it up, pulling out the two containers.

I ended up just putting some rice in a couple of bowls for me and Chris, and decided that we could always have the soup later.

I held a bowl in each hand and made my way back to the bedroom, where Chris was just gazing out the window.

"Dinner is served!" I exclaimed, causing him to look over at me. "I brought rice!"

"Mmm.." he said as I climbed up onto the bed, handing him his bowl of rice and chopsticks. "Thank you, Aaliyah."

I smiled at him. "No problem." I Said. "Bon appétit."

"Bon appétit!" He smiled, before getting a bite of rice with his chopsticks.

As we ate, I considered asking him about the whole therapist thing. It was a pretty good idea on Jessica's part, only I wasn't sure if Chris would have the time to take me to a therapist. I mean, he's working on music, and he'll be homeschooling me. All while he should be taking it easy.

The more I thought about it, I decided I should save it for another time. Chris had been through enough today. I didn't want to be stressing him out any more than he already was.

After dinner, I ended up taking the dishes to the kitchen and washing them, before Chris I went into the living room and put on a movie.

The two of us cuddled up on the couch, my head on Chris' chest.

I was kind of dozing off halfway through the movie, but I suddenly got a chill, and shivered a little.

"Are you cold?" Chris Asked me.

"A little." I mumbled quietly.

"Here," he said, reaching over and grabbing a blanket that was laying beside him on the couch. He covered the both of us up with it, before rubbing my shoulder. "Better?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

I snuggled against him more, and he smiled a little, wrapping his arm around me.

"Aaliyah?" He Asked quietly.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him.

His face showed the slightest bit of concern, which kind of worried me.

"Is everything okay?" I added.

He nodded a little. "I was just wondering.." his voice trailed off a little. "Have you been having nightmares again?"

I bit my lip. I didn't want to worry him if I answered truthfully. But, it would feel better to get it off of my chest.

I sighed a little, my eyes meeting his. "Yeah." I mumbled. "How did you know?"

"When you sleep," he said. "Sometimes you cry out and tremble. Like you used to when we first met."

I nodded a little.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you, Aaliyah.." he sighed, rubbing my arm. "Nobody your age should've had to see what you've seen.."

I nodded a little, before laying my head on his shoulder. "But things are better now.." I Said quietly. "I have you."

He smiled a little. "Yeah," He said. "The boys and I will keep you safe."

I smiled back. "I know."

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