Chapter 14: Bonding With Guy

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That night, as I feel asleep, Chris wanted to stay with me until I did.

He sang quietly as I began to doze off, singing Us Against The World.

And After a while, I finally fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up and went out to the living room, where Chris was on the couch sipping from a mug of tea.

"Chris?" I Asked quietly.

He lifted his head up, smiling at me. "Good morning."

I walked over, sitting next to him. I shifted a little, staring at my hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "I was just thinking.." I mumbled. "You won't ever abandon me, will you?"

He set his mug down, looking at me with those blue eyes of his. "Of course not, sweetie.." he said. "Why would I abandon you?"

I sighed. "It's just that everyone I've loved hasn't cared about me or just left me.." I Said. "Honestly, it scares me...if I lose you, I don't know what I'd do.."

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into a side hug. "I promise, I'll never leave you." He said, kissing my head. "I'm not going anywhere."

I nodded. "I love" I Said quietly, still unsure of the word.

"I love you, Aaliyah." He said, smiling at me.

A few weeks later, we had left for tour, and we all crowded in the bus, sitting around as we waited to get to the first city.

I was laying on the couch, reading a book, and Chris was next to me, fast asleep. Guy was sitting on the other side of Chris, scrolling through his phone, and the Will was sitting by the driver of our bus. I think Jonny was possibly laying in his bunk, because I hadn't seen him in a while.

Chris, In his asleep state, laid his head on Guy's shoulder. Guy laughed a bit, lifting his head up from his phone. "Aaliyah, look.."

I looked up from my book, seeing Chris, and laughing. "Looks like someone's exhausted."

He nodded, then went back to being silent.

I went back to reading, but he looked back up at me. "Chris...told me about, you know.." he mumbled. "Anyways, I'm really sorry."

I nodded, sighing. "Thank you." I Said.

"I promise, things will be better from now on." He said. "You won't be hurt anymore."

I gave him a weak smile, nodding again.

Things went back to being silent again, and then Guy bit his lip.

"Wanna play a game?" He Asked.

I looked up at him. "Sure..?"

He pulled out a bag of M&M's from his pocket. "Wanna see if we can get M&M's in Chris's mouth while he's sleeping?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at Chris, who was still fast asleep with his mouth slightly open as he snored quietly.

"Isn't that dangerous?" I Asked.

"Not If you miss." He said. "Besides, I do it all the time."

I bit my lip, then laughed a bit. "Sure, I guess.."

He pushed Chris off of him a bit, then stood up, going over to the other side of the bus. I got up, following him over.

He opened the M&M's bag, pulling an M&M out and tossing it at Chris.

He definitely didn't get it in his mouth. It flew somewhere behind the couch.

"You try." He said, holding the bag out for me.

I picked an M&M out of the bag, aiming a bit.

I threw it, and it landed in his curls.

"Oh!" Guy Exclaimed. "You still get points for the curls."

I laughed, and Guy grabbed another M&M.

He threw it, only to have it land on Chris's hand, somehow.

At this point, I knew that Chris was awake, and only pretending to be asleep, considering every time we took turns throwing M&M's at him for the next ten minutes, he would smile a bit, but try to hide it.

We ended up getting bored of the game after a while, deciding that Chris would just have to eat the M&M's he was now covered in.

We sat back down on the couch, and Chris 'Woke up,' looking around.

"Oh, look at that, I'm covered in M&M's." He said, pretending to be surprised, then looked at Guy. "Again."

Us Against The World // Chris MartinWhere stories live. Discover now