Chapter 46: Sleepover

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Once we got to Ryan's, Jessica grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"Wait, What about my suitcase?" I Asked, laughing.

"Ryan will get it!" She Exclaimed. "I want you to see my room!"

"You have a room here?" I Asked.

She shrugged. "Yeah, I come here all the time, so Ryan made me a room." She Said. "Come on!"

She took my hand again, pulling me down a long hallway that led down to her bedroom. She opened the door, motioning for me to go inside.

I stepped in, and she came in after me, running over and throwing herself on the bed.

I looked around, smiling a little. I really liked the vibe of her room. It was filled with posters of cities around the world, and a bookshelf full of atlases and a globe sitting on top of it.

"I love your room!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks!" She smiled. "Come on, come sit next to me!"

I smiled, before sitting down beside her on the bed.

She laid back, looking at the ceiling, and I did the same.

"So, What're we gonna do?" She Asked. "We could watch a movie, or play a video game. Oh! You should see me kick Ryan's butt at Guitar Hero!"

"Really?" I Asked.

"Yeah! I win every time!" She Said. "Come on!"

She grabbed my hand again, standing up and pulling me off of the bed.

We both left her room, going out to the living room where Ryan was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"Guitar Hero time!" Jessica Exclaimed, And Ryan looked up, a look of fear in his eyes.

"No.." he said.

"Yes! Time to get your butt kicked, again!" She laughed.

He blushed a little, looking over at me. "She's joking, I swear."

"Liar!" Jessica Said, pointing at him.

"Don't believe anything she says!" Ryan whispered to me.

Jessica turned on her Xbox, before throwing one of the plastic guitars at Ryan, hitting him in the face and causing him to drop his phone.

"Ow." He said, picking up his phone, before standing, holding the guitar and sighing a little. "Okay, let's get this over with.."

"To make it worse, let's play one of your own songs!" Jessica laughed.

I went over and sat on the couch as they began to play to OneRepublic's song, 'Good Life.'

And Jessica was right. For being a guitar player, Ryan was terrible at that game.

"Okay! I give up!" Ryan finally sighed, before handing me the guitar. "You can play."

I laughed, taking the guitar and walking over to stand next to Jessica.

I was confident and cocky until I realised that I actually sucked at the game, and was doing worse than Ryan.

"You're losing!" Jessica laughed.

"I know, I know.." I Said.

"You're doing worse than Ryan." She stated. "And it pretty hard to beat that."

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