Chapter 31: Brainwaves

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The others switched with Jonny, taking turns to see Chris, and Guy ended up staying with me. We just sat together, watching him.

I wasn't sure what to do, or say.

The doctor didn't say much either, because she'd just come and change out his IVs every so often. She did say that he wasn't showing any signs of getting any less weak yet, which worried me a lot.

I wanted him to get stronger so he could wake up. I didn't want him to be stuck like this anymore.

What scared me the most was that the doctor still hadn't told us his chances of living yet.

We spent a few nights there, and I awoke the fourth morning when the doctor came in, about to switch out his IV medications again.

I stood, stretching a bit and going over to Chris. I looked up at the doctor.

"Ma'am?" I Asked quietly.

She looked up at me. "Yeah?"

"When will he wake up?" I Asked.

She looked down at him. "Today I would like to try and see if he can breathe on his own by taking him off of the medication that puts him in a coma." She said to me. "If he can't breathe on his own, though, he'll have to go back on the machine."

I nodded, and she continued what she was doing.

I looked down, playing with Chris's hand a little.

"Do you think he'll make it?" I Asked, my voice hardly above a whisper.

She sighed. "I don't know, I really don't." She Said. "Once he wakes up, we have to do surgery to the internal injuries. If he makes it through them, he'll be in the clear. But until then, we just need to hope.."

I bit my lip, nodding.

She finished what she was doing, then left the room.

I looked over at Guy, who was still sleeping, then back at Chris.

I couldn't help it, but I began crying again.

"Dad, I'm so sorry.." I sobbed. "This is all my fault! If I hadn't come into your life.."

I sobbed a bit more, burying my face in my hands.

"I'm so sorry.." I Said. "I've ruined your life! Just like I did to everyone else's! My mum's, my aunt's...I'm just a screw up.."

I just stared at his face, then looked at the monitor, which still showed his brain activity.

The wavy lines on it were going nuts. I'm guessing he heard what I said.

Knowing him, he wanted to tell me that it wasn't my fault.

But it was true. It was my fault. I got them all in this mess.

I should've just let my mum kill me instead. It's my fault the people I love are hurt, physically and emotionally.

"Dad...I know what you want to say." I sighed. "The guys have been telling me that it's not my fault. But it is. Now you're hurt...all Because of me. You didn't ask for this. None of you did.."

It was odd, seeing how his brain activity would change as I spoke, but his body didn't move at all.

It was also odd talking to him when he couldn't answer. He was trapped in his own body, forced to listen to me rant about how it's my fault.

I sighed, looking down. "Sorry, Dad.." I mumbled. "I'm not trying to talk your ears off...I just...feel like I ruined everything...just like always."

The doctor suddenly rushed in, looking at different monitors, smiling a little.

"What?" I Asked.

"His heart rate is the highest it's been since he got here." She Said. "That means there's a chance he's getting stronger."

I smiled. "Dad!" I exclaimed, patting his arm. "You're getting stronger!"

The doctor laughed a little. "What'd you say that brought his heart rate up, anyway?"

My smiled faded, and I looked down. "Nothing.." I mumbled.

Guy ended up waking up a little while, and the doctor decided that this would be a good time to see if Chris could breathe on his own.

She crowded nurses in the room, and Jonny, Will, Guy, And I stayed back a bit, but still stood near his bed.

The doctor thought it'd be a good idea to have everyone in here, in case things didn't go as planned.

Her mentioning something like that made me really anxious again. All I could do was have hope this would work out.

The doctor came over, pushing me closer to the bed.

"You're his daughter." She Said, patting me on the back. "You can help encourage him, Yeah?"

I nodded, smiling weakly.

She walked over to Chris's other side, checking some of the monitors, then turning back to us.

"Okay," She Said, And the nurses, and band, and I, turned our attention to her. "Our plan is to take out the tube, and see if Mr. Martin can breathe on his own. It may take up to two minutes for him to actually start up again, so we need to make sure his vitals are good. If it takes longer, I'll put the tube back, and we'll wait some more."

The nurses all nodded, and I looked down at Chris.

"Would anybody like to say anything before we begin?"

I nodded, as did the rest of the band.

"You can do it, Chris!" Guy Said. "Breathe for us, man."

I rubbed his hand gently. "Dad, I love you..." I Said, then whispered, "Stay alive for me."

The doctor nodded, walking closer to Chris.

Here we go.

The moment of truth, I guess..

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