Chapter 47: Sleepover Pt.2

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After we had a ton of ice cream and got super hyper, Jessica and I began to feel a little tired, so we both went and changed into pyjamas. Afterwards, we went to her bedroom, since Ryan was going to go to bed.

We just kind of hung out around her room, chatting and playing around. I think both of us were trying to see how long we could stay up, but that didn't last long, because we ended up crashing after about an hour.

Jessica's POV

Both Aaliyah and I crashed, falling asleep in the weirdest positions possible. I guess we were just really exhausted.

I was sleeping really well and everything, until I heard Aaliyah crying out in her sleep.

I quickly jumped awake, looking at her.

She was sweating and trembling, with a look of fear on her face.

"No!" She cried. "Please, Stop!"

I gasped, going over to her. I shook her little. "Aaliyah, wake up!" I Said. "Aaliyah.."

She wasn't waking up, and she just kept crying and shaking. I didn't know what to do, so I just shook her a little more.

"Aaliyah, please wake up!" I called again.

When that didn't work, I stood up, stumbling out of my room and beginning to make my way to Ryan's room.

Ryan might know what to do. He was used to me getting anxiety attacks, and he's always comforted me and made me feel better.

I rushed down the hall and burst into Ryan's bedroom, going over and shaking him. He woke up, looking at me worriedly.

"Jessica...What's wrong?" He asked sleepily.

"It's Aaliyah!" I Said. "She's having a nightmare, and I can't wake her up. I don't know what to do!"

Ryan didn't say a word, but quickly got out of bed, pretty much running down the hall and into my room.

I followed him inside, and He went over to Aaliyah, shaking her a little.

"Aaliyah, wake up.." he said.

She continued to cry out, and Ryan lifted her up, hugging her tightly and rocking her back and forth.

"Shhh, everything's okay.." he told her, as she began to wake up.

Tears streamed down her face as she looked around, swallowing.

"R-Ryan?" She Asked quietly.

"I'm right here.." he said softly. "Are you okay?"

She nodded a little. "I'm sorry if I woke you.."

She broke away from his hug, running her hand through her hair.

"Hey, it's okay.." Ryan reached over and rubbed her arm gently.

I swallowed, going over and sitting beside her on the bed. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I am.." She mumbled.

Aaliyah's POV

I didn't end up sleeping for the rest of the night, for various reasons.

For one, I felt terrible that Ryan had to come in and calm me down like that.

Especially when that was the worst nightmare I had had in a really long time.

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