Chapter 40: Picnic

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We both ended up putting on our shoes and heading outside, beginning to walk to the park.

Chris was right. It was a lovely day.

The sun was out, the birds were chirping, and it was just the right temperature.

As we walked, Chris' phone made a noise, and he pulled it out of his pocket.

"Ah, perfect!" He said. "The boys can come. We'll have to pick up some food on the way there. What are you in the mood for?"

"Hmm.." I hummed a bit, thinking. "Pizza's always good."

He laughed. "But we had that already this week."

"Tacos? I don't know." I giggled.

"Mexican food...that sounds good." He said. "We should stop by a food truck and get some before meeting at the park."

"Who will bring the blanket?" I Asked, before laughing. "We didn't exactly prepare."

"Way ahead of you." He said, looking at his phone. "Jonny's bringing one."

"Perfect." I smiled, before looking back up at him.

Just then, I happened to notice a rather large bruise on his forehead, which was only slightly covered by the black beanie he was wearing.

"Dad, What happened to your head?" I Asked worriedly.

He looked up at me, before pulling his hat down a little. "Oh, Nothing.." he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but nodded anyway.

What was going on with him? He seemed rather flustered every time I asked him if he was okay.

"Oh look, there's one." He said, pointing over to the other side of the street where there was a Mexican food truck. "Let's just order a pack of tacos."

"Okay." I Said, trying to shake off my feeling of worry for him.

He was probably fine, I was just worried after all that had happened.

Chris took my hand, slipping his phone back in his pocket as we made our way across the street.

We only had to wait in line for a bit, before we went up and Chris ordered.

"Do you think a dozen tacos will be enough for everyone?" He asked, looking down as me.

"I mean, if everyone just has two, it should be fine." I shrugged.

"Should we get drinks?"

"Maybe some water?"

He nodded, before looking back up at the worker. "Can we get six waters as well?"

"Sure." The worker nodded.


Chris payed for the food, and we went over and sat down at a nearby table as they made the tacos.

We sat In silence for quite a bit, until Chris looked up at me.

"Have you been thinking about the homeschool thing?" He Asked.

I shrugged a little. "I really don't know, to be honest." I mumbled. "I feel like I should just go to public school so I'm not in the way."

"Sweetie, don't say that.." he said. "You'd never be in the way. I'd love having you home with me, actually. I want you to choose whatever you'd like, okay?"

I nodded. "But what do you want?" I Asked. "Like, you'll be busy when touring comes around again, and I'm sure you won't want to teach me."

"It doesn't matter what I want." He said. "I just want to know what you would be most comfortable with. I would love to teach you, Believe me."

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