*Battle-Axe* {Lvl: 3}- This attack shows the true strength of the power of the overhead kick. Lifting your leg high into the sky and slamming it down with in a powerful downward arc deals a devastating kick to your enemy. The pure power of this strike causes a shockwave from the point of impact, dealing damage to all those surrounding it; +10% AOE Damage; +20% Weak point Damage; Medium Chance to Stun Opponent; Low Chance to Insta-Kill; Cost 50mp

*Blindside* {Lvl: 3}- A ridiculously strong punch dealt from anywhere at any time, but especially effective from the shadows into an unaware opponent. Prepare to knock your opponent the fuck out with this incredible attack. Deals additional damage when remaining unseen after initial attack; When unseen Low chance of Insta-Kill; Cost 30mp

*5-Piece Attitude Adjustment* {Lvl: 3}-A barrage of 5 extremely fast Skills linked together, giving your enemies a five-piece combo meal with no sauce, no Bev, no biscuit with extra gravy, and no dining set. This attack is a quick one two three four five Skill-Chain that leaves the enemy utterly destroyed. Any opponent who thinks that they have the upper hand on you will have their Attitude checked by this Skill. Guaranteed Chance to Stun; -5% STR, -5% END to opponent on any ending Phys Skill; Cost 250mp

*Battle-Axe* {Lvl: 3}- Lifting your leg high into the sky and slamming it down with in a powerful downward arc deals a devastating kick to your enemy. +20% Damage when Attacking enemy weak point; Medium Chance to Stun Opponent; Low Chance to Insta-Kill; Cost 50mp

*Ruthless* {Lvl: 2}- Absolutely decimate your opponent with a flurry of punches and kicks leaving them as nothing more than a mass of destroyed flesh. Grants +200mp; +200hp

*Merciless* {Lvl: 2}- Highly pressurized mana surrounds the target on all sides before suddenly converging on them with force unseen. This insane force crushes your opponent, crumbling their bodies into nothingness, brutally ending their life. Grants +200mp; +200hp

*Mass Culling* {Lvl: 1}- A massive wide swinging attack with bladed weapons that eviscerates all those it meets. On those killed Grants +50% Item Drop, +25% Currency, +10% Exp; When killing over 10 opponents with this attack Grants +100mp; +100hp; Cost 250mp

*Cataclysm* {Lvl: 1}- Destroy everything with your immense power. Cost 5000mp

*Flash Kick* {Lvl: 1}- Using your powerful legs, you jump high in the sky performing an extremely fast and powerful backflip, while simultaneously kicking you opponent harshly. The kick is so fast and powerful that you leave a after image of the kick in its wake. Medium Chance to Critical Strike; Low Chance to Stun; Cost 50mp

*Parry Strike* {Lvl: 1}­- Parry your opponent's attack with an equal or stronger attack of your own, leaving them vulnerable to your next strike. +10% Damage to Phys follow up attacks after parry; When Parry Strike is stronger than the move parried +20% Damage to follow up Phys follow up attacks

*Dragon Punch* {Lvl: 1}- Deliver an incredibly strong uppercut to your opponent, sending them soaring away from you crashing harshly with anything they encounter. High Knockback; Low chance of Invincibility on Activation; Cost 100mp

*Pay Rate* {Lvl: 2}- This power is what determines the effect of the Semblance Overtime. The Pay rate increases based off the number of times the Semblance is used.

*Half Time*- This follow up attack does damage equal to 50% damage of the initial attack it was based off: Cost 25au

*Overtime*- This attack follows up and does damage equal to the amount of damage that the initial attack caused, essentially make the initial attack do double damage; Cost 50au

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