Chapter 17: Scars

Start from the beginning

Nix agreed with her sister's assessment, "yes it would be unfair for us to be the only ones comfortable for bed. I would also like to see you partially naked." She whispered that last part incredibly quietly, but it didn't escape his enhanced hearing. But he still listened to their request and began undressing.

"I don't know why you wanna see me half naked so bad, I swear my body is not that impressive." He stood up, Byakko jumping from his lap to the bed, and took off his jacket to begin stripping his clothes from his body at their request. As was going through the process, he had a sudden thought, "I actually haven't even seen myself naked since I Awakened. I wonder if my body has changed at all." He draped his jacket over the chair and lifted his shirt off his body.

The girl's eyes widened in shock as they saw his chiseled form. However, they weren't shocked by his incredibly chiseled, Adonis like body, it was the various marks on top of those muscles that brought shock and concern to their eyes. Tears began forming in Nix's eyes as she began slowly approaching her lovers' body, but Neyah was the first to verbally react to the sight. "Darling, what the fuck happened! Who did this to you! I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM!" Anger shot through Neyah's body as every muscle in her body trembled with rage.

Nix reached her man's body as the tears that grew in her eyes began to fall uncontrollably. She reached out and gently caressed his chest and torso, "Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, "she whispered as her lips quivered with each loving word. "What happened Baby? Are you alright?"

As he saw their reaction, (Y/N) started to get insanely confused at why they were acting this way, but as he looked down and inspected his own body, he quickly realized the reason. His entire chest and back were littered in deep and light scars of various shapes and sizes. In the center of his abdomen was a long horizontal light scar but connected to it was a much darker scar that rose from his pelvis up to his right shoulder. 

On top of these two main marks, his abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms were littered in smaller cuts like scars. On his forearms were extremely deep scarred tissue gashes that looked like deep ravines, but even that wasn't the worst of it. 

Across his back was three extremely large, deep, scars that looked like claw marks from a massive beast and in between these large scars were smaller cut like marks like the ones on the front of his body. "I didn't realize that I was still scarred from the Battle with the Devil, I kinda just figured that all this shit disappeared when I Awakened." 

"These aren't anything that serious, it just apart of some shit I went through to get here. They don't hurt or anything so don't worry about. And Neyah, I already killed the fucker that did it so there is no need to be angry, I promise I'm ok."

It seemed like his explanation calmed them a bit, but his lovers were incessant in their concern for his safety. Neyah ran up to him, joined her sister, and began gently tracing her soft fingers around each and every scar that was sprawled across his body. 

They comforted him with their warm, loving touches, trying to somehow undo the damage that had already been done. Neyah whispered quietly to him, "Darling, I'm so sorry I let something like this happen to you. I wish I could've been there to protect you."

Nix followed up after her sister's words, "we wouldn't have let any harm befall you in anyway." She whispered softly with a shaky voice, still sniffling slightly as her tears calmed down. "You are so strong; you've been through so much. I wish-" she stopped for a moment, chocking on the words as tears started to fall again. "I wish I could undo the pain and torment you went through. I wish I could've protected you. Baby, I love you so much and I apologize for allowing something like this to happen to you."

"To be loved is truly an addictive feeling." (Y/N) chose not to say anything in return, but instead he brought the two girls into his scarred body and hugged them tightly. The group naturally moved to the closest bed where Nix and Neyah gently laid their lover down as if he were the most fragile, important thing in the world, and they followed him by laying gently on top of him, protectively wrapping their arms and tails around him. 

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now