The Monster returns

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Harry had constantly been whining and complaining about Justin, specifically that he 'hadn't given him a chance' and 'I'd never do that to someone', we were all pretty tired of it. 

"For Heavens' sake Harry," I said sighing, "if this is really that big of a deal to you go and find Justin and explain yourself."

"Fine." He huffed before leaving the common room, presumably to find Justin.

Hermione, Ron, and I sat in the common room for a half hour before Ron left, saying something about being hungry and going to check the Great Hall in case anything had been left out. I think he was bored with just Hermione and I because we were actually studying, Harry always did his best to distract Ron and most of the time it worked. 

"Y/N, what do you think of all this?" Hermione said as she grabbed my hand.

"Well, I think it's terrifying." I gulped, "anyone could be setting this monster loose in the castle, and I know it's not Harry, even with all the parseltounge talk going through the school." I said rubbing her thumb with mine. 

"And we know it's not you." Hermione said smiling lightly. 

"Why would you say that?" I said sarcastically. 

"Because I know you'd never hurt me, ever, let alone threaten me." She said hugging me. 

"You've got that right 'Mione." I said sitting in my chair and hugging her back. The clock chimed for lunch so we decided to start walking down, we ran into Harry and Hagrid in the hallway. 

"Oh, hello Hagrid." We heard Harry say, "what are you doing here?" 

Hagrid held up a limp rooster, blood caked in its feathers. It was dead. 

"Second one killed this term," he explained, "it's either foxes or a blood suckin' bugbear, an' I need the headmaster's permsission ter put a charm around the hen coop."

As Hagrid headed up the corridor Hermione and I walked over to Harry. 

"So did you find Justin?" I asked. 

"I found his friends, it didn't go that well," he said, "they were all terrified of me and tried proving their family lines, like I even care." He said sighing. 

"Well, where you going? Lunch just started." I said walking down a corridor, the torches had all gone out but it was the quickest way to the Great Hall. 

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." Harry said joining Hermione and I. 

As we made our way through the long hall I tripped over something, "Y/N! Are you ok?" Hermione asked, feeling her way over to me. 

"There's something in the middle of the hall," I said as the torches sprang to life. Right where I had tripped sat the rigid body of Justin Finch-Fletchley, there was a look of shock on his face, and his eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Next to him sat another figure, it was Nearly-Headless Nick but instead of being pearly white and transparent, he was black and smoky, floating immobile in the air. His head was hanging half-off and his face wore the same expression of shock as Justin's.

I knew it wasn't right to leave him, but I looked at Harry it wouldn't be good if any students found him here with Justin's petrified body. As I thought Peeves came bursting through the wall. 

"Why, it's none other than ickle little Potter and Alpherian!" Peeves cackled. "What's Potter up to? Why's Alpherian lurking-"

Peeves stopped, halfway through a mid-air backflip. Upside-down he spotted Justin and Nearly-headless Nick. He flipped the right-side up, filled his lungs, and before we could do anything he scremed, "ATTACK! ATTACK! ANOTHER ATTACK! NO MORTAL OR GHOST IS SAFE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! ATTAAAACKK!"

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