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Wood had decided, in his vast omniscience to start practicing as early as he could, saying that we needed the time to implement new strategies he had devised over the Summer. 

As I climbed through the portrait hole Colin Creevey appeared out of nowhere, "Hey Y/N, look what I've got here!" He yelled. 

"Colin it's early!" I whispered as he handed me a picture. It was of my final shot during try-outs, I was perched upside-down on the broom and Colin had perfectly captured the ball going through the left hoop. "Whoah," I said looking at the picture. "This is incredible Colin." 

"Thanks, do you think you could sign it?" He said hopefully. 

"Actually Colin I've got quidditch practice, maybe later though?" I asked smiling at the younger boy. 

"Yeah later! Thanks for the compliment Y/N!" Colin said as he sat down in the common room, smiling from ear to ear. 

Eventually I made my way down to the field, apparently I was the last one there. Ron and Hermione were even sitting in the stands doing homework. 

"There you are Y/N, what kept you?" asked Wood as I walked into the changing room. "Now, I wanted a quick talk with you all before we actually get onto the field, because I spent the Summer devising a whole new training program, which I really think will make all the difference..."

He flicked his wand and the diagram started moving wildly, there was a small red ball I saw flying across the board, I assumed it was the quaffle. Eventually it stopped moving and I snapped out of the daydream I was having. 

"Is that clear? Any questions?" Wood asked after everyone was paying attention. 

"Absolutely sir, no questions here." George said saluting, which annoyed Wood a lot. 

"Now, listen here you lot," he said glaring at us, "we should have won the Quidditch cup last year. We're easily the best team. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control..." he said looking at Harry and I, we were unconscious in the hospital wing during the last game, leaving them down a player. 

"...So this year, we train harder than ever before. Okay, let's go and put our new theories into practice!" Wood shouted before leading us all onto  the pitch, his speeches were better when he was annoyed. 

As I walked out I saw Ron and Hermione sitting in the lower stands that rested closer to the grass. "You finished yet?" Hermione asked me hopefully. 

"Just started." I said disappointed. 

I noticed the grotesque face of Marcus Flint walk onto the quidditch field, "Hey Wood, you remember what you said  about a Slytherin spy during tryouts?" 

"Yeah, what about it?" He said wheeling around quickly. 

"I guess they don't need one...they're here in person." I said pointing to the entire team that was approaching us. 

"Sorry Wood, got a note from Snape here. We need to train our new seeker." Flint smirked. 

"Who's your new seeker?" Wood asked. The Slytherin team parted to reveal Draco Malfoy smirking coldly in brand new Slytherin team robes. 

"That's right. I'm the new seeker. Look what generous donation my father made to the team," Malfoy smirked, showing off the brand new Nimbus Two Thousand and One brooms they all had, "only came out last month," he added as he turned his nose up into the air. 

Just then I felt two people come by my sides, Hermione was on my left and Ron was on my right.

"What's happening?" Ron asked me. "Why aren't you playing? And what's he doing here?" He looked at Malfoy disgusted. 

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