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After getting home I slept for what felt like forever. I had dreams of my first year from herbology with Professor Sprout to the first flying lesson and they seemed so vivid and real. Eventually I got up to the sun shining through my window and Archimedes, my owl, perched on the dresser across from my bed. The tawny owl sat up excitedly as I got up. 

"Hey Arch, how are you?" I said putting my hand out in front of him. He nibbled affectionately on my fingers with his beak and closed his eyes. I pet him for a couple minutes before he pointed to a letter beside him. Hermione was written clearly on the front, I was excited to hear from her so soon, it had only been a day since I had gotten home. 

Dear Y/N,

I asked my parents about visiting you over Summer and they said they'd think about it. Maybe you could come visit us sometime before we go back for school! I wanted to write to make sure you had my address so we can talk, Archimedes was waiting at my house, I don't think he's used to school being out, I can imagine how confused he was when the owlery was empty and no students were in sight. I hope you have a good Summer!



I looked at Archimedes sadly, "I'm sorry I didn't let you know term was ending, I'm glad you found 'Mione though." Hooting at me he closed his eyes and relaxed, trying to sleep. I started heading downstairs in my pajamas before I heard the tell-tale sizzling of bacon, and my parents in the kitchen. 

"Marcus this letter from Albus confirms everything we thought, he's inherited the sight." I heard mom say around the corner, I waited on the stairwell hoping to hear more of the conversation. 

"Isn't the sight about telling the future or something? Why couldn't British wizards come up with more creative names, you know something with some detail?" Dad asked sarcastically. 

"You know what I'm talking about, sooner or later Y/N will start realizing just how much he can do, Dumbledore says he's prepared to try and teach him. I don't know if he is though, I thought it died." 

"Well, obviously it hasn't. Why should we worry about this? Whether he's all these colors or not, it's ancient magic and he can see it, so what?" 

"He can't just see it, the legends say he can control it and alter it, he could be a part of something so much bigger than he should be."

"Well, if it develops, I would say develops is the right word, we'll talk with him ok?" My dad said concerned, "You're a great mom, you'll be able to describe it better than anyone else in the world."

"I'm scared of him learning who his grandfather is..." 

"Trust me, me too, it's not like my family was a bunch of angels." 

I walked up the stairs as quietly as I could and did my best when I got to the top to be as loud as I could, I didn't want them to think I was listening in on them. When I got to the bottom step they were hugging and mom was crying. 

"What's wrong?" I asked as curiously as I could. 

"It's nothing, Mrs. Greeves passed away and it's just hard dealing with it when someone passes away." She said handing me the newspaper, surprisingly it wasn't the local newspaper but The New York Ghost obituary section; looking back at me was the indistinguishable look of the woman who had nannied me for as long as I could remember, mom and dad never told me she had any magical blood in her. 

"You never told me she and Mr. Greeves were magic." 

"Well, you were too young, but it's a nice article, also Archimedes gave us this letter from a Wendell and Monica Granger about visiting over Summer. Would you know anything about that?"

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione x male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora