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The month after we met with Dumbledore passed quickly, and it was rare that Hermione and I weren't together. She told me felt like I was the safest person to be around in the castle other than Dumbledore so I acquiesced, there was nothing anyone could do to make me leave her, it got to the point where Cedric had somehow learned our schedule and began walking with us to all of our classes. 

Hermione and I were using as much of our spare time to check  on and brew the polyjuice potion. Harry and Ron used the invisibility cloak to get the last of the ingredients from Snape's cupboards. By the time the potion was ready it had been Christmas break. 

On Christmas morning Hermione busted into our bedroom shouting, "Merry Christmas!" As she put her presents down at the foot of my bed. 

"Hermione! You're not supposed to be up here!" I said, rushing to put a shirt on. 

"It's just the women's bedrooms that are enchanted to stop you boys from getting up there, girls are fine to get into yours," she said smartly, sitting down on my bed. 

As Harry and Ron woke up she handed me a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper. "Don't read that here, in front of them," she said pointing to Ron and Harry as I saw a note sitting below a plane ticket to Paris in the box. 

"Ok, thank you Hermione." I said, hugging her. 

"Hermione, what are you doing up here?" Harry said after putting his glasses on. 

"It's Christmas!" 

After everyone was up we started opening presents, we had all gotten Weasley sweaters from Mrs. Weasley and she sent some of the best homemade fudge I've ever had. Harry and Ron got me a new wizard's chess set and a Chudley cannons mascot figurine that walked around and spit smoke from its mouth. 

I saved Hermione's for last, "open it," She said handing me the present. 

I felt the sides and the tell-tale edges of a book were more than evident to me. When I pulled the wrapping paper off and flipped the book over Dune by Frank Herbert was sitting in my hands. 

"Hermione! Thank you!" I said hugging her. "Here's my present." I said grabbing it from my nightstand. 

She tore open the wrapping paper and found an enchanted bookmark I had made that lit up brightly and reflected the phrase she'd read last on its face. I had also bought her a book and when she opened it she found Dune sitting in her lap. 

"Y/N! When'd you have time to get this?" She said blushing. 

"When we went to that bookshop, when I was at your house." I smiled back at her. 

She laughed, "that's when I got yours," she said smiling. 

We had finished our Christmas dinner when Hermione and I pulled Harry and Ron outside the dining hall to get the last few details of our plan ironed out. 

"We still need a bit of the people you're changing into," Hermione said matter of factly, "and obviously, it'll be best if you can get something of Crabbe's and Goyle's, they're Malfoy's best friends-"

"His only friends." Harry said sarcastically. 

"-he'll tell them anything. And we also need to make sure the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating him." 

"Luckily, I've got these," I said pulling out two decadent cupcakes with fudge in the middle, "these have a sleeping draught in them, all you've got to do is set them out and make sure Crabbe and Goyle get them. You know how greedy they are, they're bound to eat them. Once they're asleep, pull out a few of their hairs then meet us in Myrtle's bathroom."

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