Tom Marvolo Riddle

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When we reached the other end of the antechamber a door with a face met us, a snake surrounded the perimeter of the door. "Open," Harry said. Immediately the metal snake started moving around the door, revealing a large chamber filled with statues leading up to an identical face carved into the stone. Carved serpents rose to the ceiling as supports and a dim greenish haze filled the room. 

Harry and I pulled out our wands and started walking forward. Each of our steps echoed loudly throughout the chamber, I made sure we kept our eyes narrowed, ready to close them at any sign of movement. 

In front of the gigantic carved face a small, black-robed figure with flaming red hair laid motionless. 

"Ginny!" Harry muttered before sprinting to her and dropping to his knees. "Ginny," he choked, "don't be dead, please don't be dead-"

I put my wand away and ran to Harry. I turned Ginny over and checked to make sure she was alive, she was still breathing but barely, she needed help right away. Harry looked at Ginny, full of worry. 

"Ginny, please wake up," Harry muttered desperately, shaking her. 

"She won't wake," a soft voice rung out in the chamber

I stood up and spun around, a tall, black-haired boy was walking towards us, watching. 

"Wh-who are you?" I asked bewildered, pointing my wand at him. 

"Tom? Tom Riddle?" Harry asked.

He nodded, looking unblinking at Harry and I. 

"What d'you mean, she won't wake?" Harry asked. "She's not, she's not-?"

"She's still alive," Riddle said, "but only just." 

"Are you a ghost?" I asked. 

"A memory," he replied, "preserved in a diary for fifty years."

He pointed to the diary, the ever so familiar black cover stood apparent and the inkless pages shining dully in the dank chamber. 

"You've got to help us, Tom," Harry said desperately, "we've got to get her out of here. There's a basilisk... I don't know where it is, but it could be along any moment... please, help us."

I tried lifting Ginny up, trying to stir her awake, anything would help her at this point. I searched my pocket for my wand but it was gone and I looked at Harry, his was gone too. 

I turned to look at Riddle and he was holding Harry and I's wands delicately, a small smile spread across his face. 

"Listen!" I said urgently, "we've got to go! If the basilisk come-"

"It won't come until it's called," Riddle said calmly. 

I set Ginny back onto the floor, unable to lift her without Harry's help.

"What d'you mean?" I said cautiously. "Look, give Harry and I back our wands, we might need them-"

Riddle's small smile broadened. 

"You won't be needing them, I assure you."

Harry and I stared dumbfounded at Riddle. 

"What do you mean, we won't be-" I started. 

"I've waited a long time for this," Riddle said, "for the chance to see you. To speak to both of you."

"Look," I said irritated, "I don't think you get it. We're in the Chamber of Secrets. We can talk later-"

"We're going to talk now," Riddle said, smiling as he pocketed Harry and I's wands. 

I just stared at Riddle. 

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now