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I sighed and fell on the floor in relief after Tom disappeared. I stared at the ceiling, thankful. I looked at the bracelet on my wrist and saw the warm glow returning. 

A faint groan made me stand up quickly. Ginny had started to wake, Harry and I ran to her. She sat up and her eyes travelled from the dead basilisk to me, then to Harry and the diary

"Harry, I tried to tell you, it was me, Harry. But I s-swear I d didn't mean to, R-Riddle made me, he t-took me over, and, how did you kill that th-that thing? W-Where's Riddle? The l-last thing I remember is him coming out of the diary-"

"Gin, it's ok. Tom's gone, the diary's destroyed. It's ok. You're safe now." I said reassuringly. 

Ginny continued weeping so I held out my arms to hug her. She accepted the offer and hugged  me back. 

"It's all over Ginny, ok?" I said patting her back and letting her cry. "Come on, Ron's waiting for us." 

"I'm going to be expelled!" Ginny wept as Harry and I helped her to her feet. "I've looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came and I'll have to leave and, wh-what'll mum and dad say?"

"They'll be glad you're safe Ginny." I said, leading her back through the chamber. 

After a few minutes of walking through the tunnel we reached Ron, who had gotten more than enough rock moved for us to get through. 

"Ron!" I yelled seeing his brilliant ginger hair. "Ginny's okay! I've got her!"

Ron cheered and ran to us before he hugged Ginny. "Ginny!" He said crying. "You're alive! I don't believe it! What happened? How, what, where did that bird come from?"

Fawkes had flown up to me and landed on my shoulder. 

"He's Dumbledore's" I said walking with him back to the rock fall. 

"Harry!" Ron said after I answered him, he ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Hey Y/N, how come you've got a sword?"

"I would also assume that its Dumbledore's," I said smiling. 

"Lockhart's up there." Ron said pointing to the man, he was laughing hysterically. "His memory's gone, the memory charm backfired. Hit him instead of us. Hasn't got a clue who he is, or where he is, or who we are. I told him to come and wait here. He's a danger to himself."

Lockhart looked up at us joyfully and smiled. 

"Hello," he said, "odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?"

"No," I said, rising my eyebrows at Ron. 

I looked through the pipe we had fallen through. 

"Have you thought how we're going to get back up?" I asked Ron and Harry. Ginny was still crying but hugging Harry furiously. 

Just then Fawkes jumped off of my shoulder and started circling around the entrance, he was waving his golden feathers at us. 

"He looks like he wants you to grab hold..." Ron said, perplexed. "You're much too heavy for a bird to pull up there-"

"Fawkes," I said, "is no ordinary bird." I turned to the others as I grabbed Fawkes' tail feathers with my right hand, "Ron grab my right hand, Harry get Ron's other hand, then Ginny can hold onto Harry, while you," I said pointing to Lockhart, "grab her hand."

As Fawkes took off we soared through the pipe, "Amazing! This is just like magic!" We heard Lockhart yell. 

When we emerged into Myrtle's bathroom she seemed disappointed that Harry and I hadn't died, no one else had any ideas so I led us to the only place that seemed to make sense, Dumbledore's office. 

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