The Birthday present

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Hermione and I's birthdays happened to fall on the same day, September 19th. I had been woken up bright and early by Ron and Harry singing happy birthday as they shook my bed, soon enough Fred and George had joined in, and it seemed like every boy in the Gryffindor dormitory came surging into the small bedroom I shared with the other boys in my year. As they sang I saw presents from everyone starting to get piled up at the foot of my bed and I was embarrassed, I didn't particularly like all the attention. As the singing drowned out I noticed Fred and George still singing in falsetto to a very slow rhythm. 

As I looked at the presents I saw that they were predominantly from Harry and Ron, but Neville had also given me a present. 

I opened Neville's first, "Gran said I should have gotten you a toad, she said it would be 'chique' to have something," he gulped, "she didn't much like it when I told her you already had an owl."

As I opened his present a rolled up poster of my last shot from quidditch tryouts fell out, and it was moving. It was one of the most incredible birthday presents I had ever gotten, "Neville! This is incredible! Thank you so much!" I said hugging him. 

"Don't give me all the credit, Hermione and Colin helped me with the potion and getting the picture right." He said nervously. 

"Noted," I said as I opened Harry and Ron's presents. They had given me all kinds of sweets and snacks that weren't sold in America, I had talked all about trying some new foods and this was a pleasant surprise. 

"How-how'd you get these?" I said astounded.

"Hermione's idea, she made a list of everything you said you'd like to try when you spent the week at her house." Harry said smiling.

"Speaking of, I don't see anything from her." Harry said looking through the presents. 

"That'd be because she's already given me her present Harry," I said pointing to the bracelet resting on the nightstand by my bed. 

"Whoah! Wicked!" Ron said as he held it up. "Why's it moving like that?" He said pointing to the small charmed centerpiece. 

"There's another bracelet just like it," I explained. "They're enchanted to always find each other." I said grabbing the bracelet out of Ron's hands and putting it on, it started glowing warmly. 

"And who might have this bracelet's twin? And why's yours glowing?" George said suggestively. 

"Well...uhm...Hermione..." I said blushing. I ignored the second question because I didn't want them to harass Hermione. 

After opening the rest of my presents I made everyone that had come up to the bedroom help me clean up the mess, after all they had helped contribute to it in a way. I was escorted down to the Grand hall in a crowd of Gryffindors for breakfast, despite my protests, and as I sat down I saw Cedric's eyes light up from the Hufflepuff table. 

"NO! DON'T YOU DARE!" I yelled from across the Grand Hall. 

"TOO LATE!" He yelled back smiling as he pointed to the front of the huge room. 

Dumbledore had stood up smiling, "it's my understanding that it is a certain student's birthday, Y/N Alpherian would you mind standing up?" I gulped and stood up, "is there anything you'd like to say?" 

I looked at Hermione and she stared daggers at me before she started shaking her head vigorously. "It's Hermione's birthday too!" I yelled back to Dumbledore as I grabbed her hand, she stood up blushing. 

"Well then, come on everyone I think some singing is in order!" Dumbledore said as he waved his hand like a composer. 

The Great Hall erupted into the most dysfunctional rendition of Happy Birthday that I'd ever heard. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws mostly kept on beat but the Hufflepuffs, lead by Cedric, John, and Walt, were very off-beat with the Slytherins dragging along behind them. Malfoy had been sneering I bet he was enjoying our embarrassment. 

Instead of looking around embarrassed I looked at Hermione and started singing the song to her. She looked at me, realizing what I was doing and joined the other part that was being sung to me, eventually the song was over and we sat down, catching our breath. Professor McGonagall walked over. 

"Happy 13th birthday you two, I've got letter from both your parents. Oh it looks like your owl's got your last present Y/N." Professor McGonagall said looking up at the ceiling. 

As I looked up I saw Archimedes swooping gently over the students, holding a broomstick in his claws. As he landed Hermione and I petted the top of his head before giving him some food. Harry and Ron waited patiently as Hermione and I read our letters. 

Dear Y/N, 

Happy Birthday! Make sure you tell Hermione Happy Birthday too! I hope this last present was a well-kept surprise, dad's friends in MACUSA were able to talk to some of their connections and we were able to buy it just as it hit the market, have a wonderful day! 


Mom and dad. 

"My parents are going to France over the Summer!" Hermione said excitedly as she put her letter down. 

"That's awesome! What do you reckon this is?" I asked looking at the broomstick. 

"Well it's obviously a broomstick." Ron said. 

"Really? You're brighter than you look." Malfoy said walking up to us. "Go on then, open it Alpherian."

"Shove off Malfoy, I don't think you're making their birthday any more enjoyable." John said, walking up with Cedric and Walt smiling. 

"Well, let's open it then." I said looking at Hermione, Harry, and Ron. We carefully untied the wrapping and a sleek, darkly stained broom laid on the table. Looking up I saw Malfoy spit out the drink he had just taken. 

"It's a Nimbus two thousand and one." I said amazed as I looked at the broom handle. 

"They've only just released, how'd your parents get one?" Ron said amazed. 

"I have no idea..." I said bewildered.

As we walked to the quidditch field Hermione had followed me to the broom  closet, she had something to say but she didn't really have an opportunity to say it until now. 

"Y/N... you know how my family's going to France this Summer?" She asked as I put my new broom in with the other Gryffindor's brooms. 

"Yeah..." I said sadly, the day had gone so well that the reality that I wouldn't see Hermione over Summer finally hit me. 

"Well, my parents are inviting you to come!" She said handing me her letter and pointing to a small section. 

-We're going to France this Summer! You're father and I were waiting to surprise you, Y/N's invited too, as long as it's ok with his parents. They might be able to come too if they can get off work. 

"Wait really?" I asked hopefully. "I'll have to ask my parents."

"Yeah!" Hermione said hugging me. 

I hugged her back, smiling. 

"You didn't even take a go on your new broom." She said as we walked out of the Gryffindor locker room. 

"Well, I still have something to give you." I said pulling her present out of my pocket. It was a small necklace with a sapphire inlaid into the pendant. 

"Y/N! How'd you even get this!" She asked me surprised. 

"Well, my dad found it on one of his raids." She looked up concerned at me.

"It's not least, not anymore." I said abruptly. "He gave it to me before we left my house."

"You mind helping me put it on?" She asked as she handed the necklace back to me.

"Not at all." I said walking behind her, she moved her hair out of the way and I noticed our bracelets glowing very brightly. 

"Hermione you never told me the bracelets you got glowed brighter the closer they were to each other." I said clasping the necklace on. 

"That's new, I redid the enchantment at breakfast, we're the only two people who can see them glow now." She said smiling. 

"You're brilliant!" I said before she pulled me into a hug. 

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