Dueling club

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"Guys!" Ron shouted as he and Harry burst through the portrait. Hermione and I heard them but we couldn't see them, then they took the invisibility cloak off, it looked like they had run all the way from the forbidden forest. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"We were walking back after getting the ingredients from Snape's cupboards when the teachers walked past us," Harry panted, "Professor McGonagall was with them and she was carrying someone who was petrified! Just like Mrs. Norris!"

We sat there in silence before Ron spoke. 

"It was Colin... Colin Creevey."

"Another muggle-born," I muttered. Hermione ran upstairs to the common room without saying a word to any of us. 

"What's her problem?" Ron asked. 

"Ron she's a muggleborn, why wouldn't she be worried about some monster running free through the school attacking muggle-borns." I emphasized the last two words to get the point across, honestly he was too thick for his own good. 

The next day the whole school found out about Colin and were in a frenzy, minus the Slytherins. A week later, as Hermione and I were walking back to the common room we heard Seamus yell. 

"They're starting a dueling club! First meeting tonight! I wouldn't mind dueling lessons, they might come in handy one of these days..."

"What? You reckon Slytherin's monster can duel?" Ron said incredulously. 

"Could be useful," I said to Hermione as we sat down on the couch, "shall we go?" 

"I hope Lockhart isn't there, we wouldn't learn a single thing." Hermione said sarcastically. 

Later that night I walked down to the dueling club with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. We arrived in the great hall first, the long elegant tables were gone and in their place stood a wooden stage with an elegant purple and gold cover.

"I wonder who'll be teaching us?" Hermione said as we walked to the center of the room on one side of the table. A couple minutes later a crowd of students came marching through the Great Hall and joined us, chattering loudly. 

Gilderoy Lockhart came bounding into the great hall in flamboyant blue robes, they stood in start contrast to the dull black that his accomplice, Professor Snape, was wearing as they walked onto the stage. 

"Gather round, gather round!" He said waving his arms, "Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent! Now, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions, for full details, see my published works."

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," said Lockhart, flashing a wide smile, "he tells me he knows a tiny little bit about dueling himself and has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him!" He said, no one laughed at his joke. 

Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed, at least, Lockhart did, with much twirling of his hands, whereas Snape just moved his head ever so slightly. Then they raised their wands at each other. 

"As you can see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position," Lockhart said to the silent crowd, "on the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."

Both of them swung their wands above their heads and pointed them at each other.

"Expelliarmus!"Snape yelled. I saw the magic flow into his wand, then a flash of scarlet light flung itself at Lockhart, blasting him off the stage and flinging his wand high into air. 

Nearly everyone but Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I screeched. "Do you think he's ok?" I heard a girl ask from somewhere near me. 

"Well there you have it!" Lockhart said, as he got back up and tried to smooth his hair back into the form it usually sat in. "That was a disarming charm, as you see, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind my saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If i had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy, however, I felt it would be instructive to let them see."

Snape stared coldly at Lockhart. "Perhaps we should have you all learn to try and block unfriendly spells? Do we have any volunteers?" He looked around the room, no one put their hand up. "Well what about you Harry, come on get up there." He said pushing Harry onto the stage. "How about you Weasley?"

"A bad idea, Professor Lockhart," Snape said coldly as he walked over to us, "Weasley is incapable of performing even the simplest of spells and his wand causes damage and destruction at the most wonton flicks of his wrist. Perhaps someone from my own house, Malfoy?"

Malfoy got on the stage as Snape motioned him to, he stood opposite of Harry and glared at him. 

"Scared Potter?" He sneered. 

"You wish Malfoy." Harry said quickly. 

They walked to the back of the stage and got into their starting positions, then Lockhart started counting down. 


Malfoy raised his wand and yelled "Serpensortia!" 

A snake shot from the end of Malfoy's wand. As it landed on the table it moved its long black body before staring menacingly at Harry. 

"Don't move, Potter," Snape said lazily. "I'll get rid of it."

"Allow me!" shouted Lockhart. He waved his wand at the snake and there was a loud bang, instead of getting rid of the snake it flew ten feet into the air and slammed back onto the table. It slithered towards Justin Finch-Fletchley. 

"Leave him alone! Don't hurt him!" I heard Harry say in an odd voice, and to my surprise it worked. The snake backed away from Justin. 

"What do you think you're playing at?" Justin shouted rudely at Harry, before Harry could say anything the Hufflepuff rushed out of the hall. 

Snape stepped forward and waved his wand, making the snake disappear. 

Everyone stood where they had been standing in shock, eventually I went to get Harry but Hermione had urged me to get back to the common room with her. 

Eventually Harry and Ron walked into the common room and sat down on the couch opposite of Hermione and I. 

"You're a parselmouth. Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked, hurt evident in his voice. 

"What's a parselmouth?" Harry asked

"A parselmouth!" Ron said, "you can talk to snakes!"

"I-I didn't know I could do that. I wasn't expecting to be a Parselmouth." Harry said, shocked. 

"This is bad..." I muttered. 

"I just told the snake to stop going after Justin!" Harry exclaimed. 

"Oh, that's what you told it?" Ron asked. 

"What do you mean? You were there, you heard me!" 

"I understood him, that's what he said." I interrupted. 

"You can speak parseltounge too?" Hermione asked astonished. 

"I don't know if I can speak it, but I can definitely understand it."

"Harry, I just heard you speaking parseltounge, snake language. You could have been saying anything, no wonder Justin reacted the way he did. You sounded like you were egging the snake on or something, it was creepy." Ron said. 

"Crap." Harry muttered. 

"This matters, a lot," Hermione said. "Being able to talk to snakes was what Salazar Slytherin was known for. That's why the symbol for Slytherin is a  serpent."

"Everyone's going to think Harry and Y/N are his however-many great grandsons or something!" Ron said loudly. 

"But we're not." Harry and I said together. 

"We know," Hermione said, she had grabbed my hand. "He lived about a thousand years ago, for all we know, you both could be."

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